Online learning: organization of distance learning of the department of English philology with students of different faculties

April 2, 2020

Today's situation is a challenge for the whole of society. The instructors realized that the learning process could stop at any moment, because no one was immune to viruses and epidemics. We need to accumulate e-bank resources for each instructor, each group, for each topic.

It is a pleasure that every instructor of the department of English philology has felt it all: he can no longer be a simple user, but must have the technology, install programs, work with platforms.

ІAn interactive platform for distance learning for students and instructors of the department of English philology has become the e-learn platform, on which the communication process takes place. Instructors have placed their courses in the system, defined their main purpose and provided explanations regarding the laboratory work.


The faculty of the department use the e-learn platform, where they place theoretical material and presentations, electronic tutorials, tests, laboratory assignments, independent work, control and self-control of students.

Associate professor Kachmarkchyk S.H. successfully conducts his classes remotely with students of 1, 2 and 3 courses of the faculty of information technology and the faculty of agrarian management. In particular, for students of the first and second year of study on the e-learn platform the training course "Foreign language (English)” is presented, and for students of the third year of study of the "Management" specialty – “English language: advanced level". Students actively participated in studying the new material and the completion of laboratory, independent and test tasks. The instructor also conducts educational communication in the Viber group, which allows responding promptly to the students’ appeals and providing them with the necessary help. She receives students’ assignments to her e-mail accounts.


Associate professor Khrystyuk S.B. actively works on the platform with students of 1-2 courses of specialties "Hotel and restaurant business", "Professional education", "International relations, public communications and regional studies", "Accounting and audit". In addition, in accordance with the schedule of the educational process, a modular control work № 1 of the mentioned disciplines was conducted. The results of the laboratory tasks, the module control work are reflected in the log of assessments of academic groups in the training courses.


Associate professor Shanaeva-Tsymbal L.O. organized distance learning in English for students of the specialty "Social work" (Part 4) on the e-learn platform, supplementing it with work in Viber groups. She also works on the e-learn platform with students in “Computer science”, “Social work” (2 year), “Law” (1,2 year), “Public administration and management”, “Hotel and restaurant business” and "Exchange activities". Students complete and submit their works on time.


Senior instructors Dubovyk O.M. and Chernelya I.M. work on the e-learn platform with the law students of 1-2 years of study. A Viber group has also been set up for online student communication.


Senior lecturer Kharchuk N.S., who teaches at the faculty of agrarian management and the faculty for humanities and pedagogy using the e-learn platform, emphasizes that students are very responsible for the tasks and perform them on time. Despite all the difficulties, the educational process is successful.


Senior lecturer Rozhon I. Yu. actively works with students of the faculty of economics and uses the e-learn platform for teaching English. Students have the opportunity to listen to lectures in English, complete various assignments and cases in the field of business. In order not to interrupt the learning process, an effective and comfortable communication method is a command of English in Skype, which gives the opportunity to work with the group, and more effectively respond to students' requests. Students also have the opportunity to submit their completed assignments to Viber and to the Instructors E-mail.


According to the senior instructor Dankevych L.R., courses on the e-learn platform provide students with the bulk of the study material; enable communication and continuous feedback with students, wherever they are; facilitate interactive interaction of students in tasks in virtual pairs or groups; provide both students and faculty with opportunities for creativity and effective independent work with teaching materials.


Assistant Sukhomlyn O.A. actively uses modern digital channels to develop online classes with law students (1st year), "International relations, public communication and regional studies" (2nd year) for the development of English speaking skills "Computer Science" (2 year). This allows students to listen to a task and correct mistakes. All completed assignments students send to such communication tools as Viber, Telegram.

Senior instructor Ahapitova A. Y. successfully conducts classes for students of 1, 2, 4 years of study of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics and the faculty of information technology. For MV-19002b, MV-18002b, Jour-18002b, JUR-18002b, EKK-16004b, IPZ-19008b groups, the educational process is provided on the “Zoom” platform, where one-on-one online classes and Google Classroom are used to formulate coursework and students' test tasks. Students can instantly get a grade for their work and ask a instructor questions about the topic. Quizlet is used as aids to provide students with lexical material in a convenient format: at any time, students have access to the entire course vocabulary with illustrations, transcriptions, and audio. British Council and BBC Learning English materials are also used to provide reading, listening and speaking skills for all levels of students. Students are actively involved in learning activities and are interested in working in a new format

Modern technologies provide great opportunities for learning new things. Instructors have created a selection of themed videos to watch. Young people can get acquainted with them on YouTube channels at any time.

Studying online requires maximum concentration of effort by all participants in the process. Each student is personally responsible for the timely implementation of the plans provided by the program; the role of the instructor cannot be overestimated either – the teaching staff provides the necessary explanations, provide advisory and methodological assistance in the difficult way of independent work.


During quarantine instructors of the department are also engaged in professional development. Senior lecturer Yamnych N.Y. participated in the following webinars and online conferences held by both Ukrainian and international scientific and methodological centers: "6 ways how assessment informs learning" (Grade Education Center); “We live writing? Don’t we?" National Geographic Learning; “Online EIT Platform” (MM Publication); “Double impact on your teaching” (Linguist).

In today's world, distance learning is not something extraordinary or exotic – it is becoming a norm, an integral part of life. For this reason, senior lecturer in the department of English philology, L.V. Klymenko believes that now is the time to get fully involved in all the online learning opportunities offered by leading Cambridge English Assessment companies, Pearson and others. On March 24-25, 2020 she attended 6 Cambridge English Assessment online seminars with certificates: "Teaching vs Testing: 10 Tips on How to Guide Your Learners to Success in the A2 Key & B1 Preliminary Reading Section"; "I’m not stuck in a rut. You?"; “LOA and Teaching Flipped Classes with Cambridge Exams”; "Life Skills: Improving Speaking". Klymenko L.V. plans and invites colleagues to join the following online webinars to be held by Dinternal Education for General Education Institutions, private higher education courses and institutions on April 3-10, 2020.



Although the situation today has become a challenge for educators, students, for the entire Ukrainian community, we wish everyone good health!
And we wish the students obtaining higher education success in independent educational activity
under the guidance of experienced instructors!


Svitlana Kachmarchyk,
associate professor of the department of English philology


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