Future veterinary physicians study "English" remotely under the guidance of an assistant of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation O.O. Syrotina

April 1, 2020

Assistant professor of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics, candidate of pedagogical sciences O. Syrotina teaches the discipline "English for professional purpose" for the “Bachelor” students in the specialty "Veterinary medicine". Traditional quarantine classes with students are realized remotely via Telegram, Viber and e-mail groups according to the class schedule


An online discussion was held with veterinary students in the form of a discussion on "Veterinary Medicine. The Work of Veterinarians". The developed educational material was selected in accordance with the program of the discipline "English for professional purpose". The structure of the class was completely in line with its purpose – to develop communication skills, professional-terminological competence, creative and logical thinking of students.
The effectiveness of the lesson was conditioned by a successful combination of different types of work: presentations and performance of vocabulary and grammar exercises. Students demonstrated skills in using vocabulary in practice. After the class, students were given the task of writing creative works on suggested topics.


Syrotina O.O., candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant of the department of
Romance and Germanic languages and translation



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