The School of leadership of NULES of Ukraine – 2020 has started its work

March 6, 2020

On March 5, 2020, in accordance with the preliminary selection of the best students, a solemn meeting and opening of the School of leadership of the National university of bioresources and environmental sciences of Ukraine – 2020 took place.

     The solemn meeting of the School of Leadership of NULES of Ukraine – 2020 was inaugurated by the rector of the University Stanislav Nikolaenko, who congratulated the future leaders and noted the importance of the students' choice, and stressed that the modern socio-economic processes in the society are emphasized as managerial, economic, scientific and pedagogical, educational, legal, psychological, etc. Among the qualities that ensure the success of working with people are critically needed leadership. Stanislav Mykolayovych pointed to the following basic options of leadership styles: authoritarian, balanced, democratic, commanding, etc. They must all be mastered by future professionals. In his speech, the Rector shared the experience of implementing the previous project and said that the “NULES 2020 Leadership School” will be enhanced by permanent practical classes, interactive tasks and management models.

     Vice-rector for educational and training work Serhiy Kvasha in his speech also congratulated the finalists of the competition selection and noted that as a result of the project future leaders will master such important abilities as: flexibility in managing people, ability to define and structure their own work and work aimed at achieving a common goal, creating a consensus group, an atmosphere of cooperation, relationships of mutual trust, respect, mutual understanding, commitment to one idea, etc.


     As a result of competitive selection, the committee selected the 56 most active and talented students who have expressed a desire to master the leadership skills that are extremely important for a successful specialist. Future leaders were divided into four groups, each of which was assigned curators: head of the department of philosophy Inna Mykolaivna Savytska, associate professor of philosophy Alla Kravchenko, associate professor of international law and comparative law Evheniy Shulha. And the coordinator of the work of the school's curators – the head of the Union of young scientists Maryna Halat.

     Finally, they received their first team assignment. Yes, it was necessary to determine by certain criteria two nominations from students of the School of Young Leaders – Mr. and Miss NULES of Ukraine. They have coped with this task, and the finalists in the contest "Beauty NULES of Ukraine" out of the students of the Leadership School were: Daria Salimonenko and Dmytryk Mykhailo.

    Students listened carefully, asked questions, and had live discussion.

We congratulate the participants of the Leadership School and we wish them success in the project!

Evheniy Shulha, Oleksandr Prokhorchuk, Maryna Halat

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