Future journalists are the best by the results of the I-st stage of the All-Ukrainian student olympiad in the ukrainian language

February 28, 2020

     Student olympiads occupy an important place in the system of organizing student research work in higher education institutions. Conducting an internal university olympiad in a discipline is one of the forms of qualitative preparation of students for the All-Ukrainian Student olympiad.

     In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine and the rector of our university Stanislav Nikolaenko, the department of journalism and language communication of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics conducted the first stage of the All-Ukrainian student olympiad on the subject "Ukrainian for professional purpose".

     The olympiad in the ukrainian language interested students from different faculties and educational and scientific institutes, including the faculties for humanities and pedagogics, plant protection, ecology and biotechnology, land management, agrobiology, animal husbandry and aquatic bioresources, the Institute of Horticulture and park management. Participation in the olympiad is an opportunity to broaden your horizons, show erudition, unconventional thinking. In total, 278 first and second year of study students of different specialties participated in the first stage.

    Students were offered tasks of varying difficulty, test assignments, and essays on “Happiness. What do I put into the meaning of the word?”
The participants of the olympiad showed mostly good knowledge, erudition.

     Journalism students were particularly distinguished by their knowledge among others. They won the first two prize places:

1st placeHrabovska Sofia;

2 nd placeVitalina Kantselyarenko; Victoria Khlopchanyuk.

The third place went to the students of the faculty of plant protection Oliynyk Victoria and Mamchur Denys.

     We wish the winners of the olympiad to represent our university in the second stage of the All-Ukrainian student olympiad in ukrainian language, which will be held in April at the Mikhailo Kotsyubynskyi Vinnytsia state pedagogical university.

Maria Lychuk,
professor of journalism and language communication
faculty for humanities and pedagogics

Press-centreTo Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)

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