Pedagogy was a deliberate choice

February 14, 2020

Not only scientific and pedagogical employees of the department of management and educational technologies, its head professor Serhiy Kubitskyi, the dean of the faculty for humanities and pedagogicsl Vasyl Shynkaruk and his deputies, but also every master of the educational program “Management of the educational institution” that crosses the threshold of our department, are in love with pedagogy. and the educational program "Pedagogy of higher school", which we practice here.

Tolerance, respect for the student's personality, understanding of all the essentials of life, empathy is at the heart of the relationships. We are pleased by everyone's small success and great achievements that are worth talking about.

At the department of management and educational technologies, in february 3-7, 2020, educational pedagogical practice of undergraduate students was conducted. Educational introductory pedagogical practice is a normative component of the training of specialists in the field of knowledge 01 "Education", specialty 011 "Educational, pedagogical sciences" of the educational program "Pedagogy of higher education" as future instructors of institutions of higher education. Its purpose is to form students' knowledge of the structure, principles of organization and management of higher education institutions, to be able to analyze training and educational activities, to teach them to apply this knowledge and skills in future pedagogical activities.

Educational introductory pedagogical practice was conducted on the basis of the developed work program of educational practice, considered and approved at a meeting of the department of management and educational technologies of the national university of Bioresources and environmental management of Ukraine.

Educational introductory practice provides for students to complete their studies at higher education institutions of different levels of accreditation under the guidance of the department's professors.

During practice, students attended training sessions, analyzed them according to an indicative scheme. They got acquainted with the structure of activity of NULES of Ukraine and the main tasks of its divisions; the work of the dean and the departments of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics.

The total duration of the training is 5 calendar days (30 hours).

The purpose of the teaching practice is: to familiarize students with the structure of the higher education institutions, material and technical base, organizational and methodical work; with types and forms of educational work of the mentors; developing skills of analysis of the lectures conducted by professors.

The objectives of the educational practice were the development of students' knowledge and skills through:


    - obtaining information from the dean, heads of departments, deputy deans, department professors about the higher education institution, its tasks and activities;
    - getting acquainted with the principles of management, the structure of the institution of higher education, educational and methodological work;
    - attending classes and analyzing them;
    - analysis of the educational work of the student group mentor;
    - summarizing and drawing up a training practice report.



Head of practice professor Serhiy Kubitskyi expresses his sincere gratitude to the creative staff of the Faculty for humanities and pedagogics (staff of the dean's office, department of management and educational technologies, pedagogy, social work and rehabilitation).

Students began their practical knowledge of the profession under the wise guidance of their professor – professor Serhiy Kubitskyi, dean of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics, professor Vasyl Shynkaruk and the staff of the whole of faculty. When they came to practice, they knew where they were going, what they needed to do, what their goals were. 

Theoretically skilled, undergraduate students Zozulevych Victoria, Tonha Tetiana, Marchenko Anna, Myroslava Harmata, Denysyuk Victoria and others. faithfully performed the tasks of practice. The period of practice was interesting and unceasing. These were joint visits to the classes of Professor Nina Zhuravska, Assistant Professor Tamara Kovalchuk, Professor Serhiy Kubitskyi, heartfelt conversations during which each future specialist was able to prove himself from the best side. Reading the questionnaires of students, we note that each of them came into the future profession deliberately. When asked, "Why did you choose this particular profession?", Almost everyone said that they love working with children, young people and adults.

Educational introductory pedagogical practice contributed to the development of certain practical skills of teaching pedagogical activities, the basics of its communicative culture, helped to make sure that their profession was deliberately and unmistakably chosen. Our faculty and department of management and educational technology are proud of their talented students. We are very glad that such active personalities come to us. For many pedagogy is an art and life, for it not only reflects life, but is life itself. It also educates, teaches behavior culture. Pedagogy is an emotional delight. It develops a sense of measure, tolerance, sincerity, nobility, high culture, develops respect for people of creative work and personality.

When analyzing the results of the practice, its bilateral effectiveness should be noted. Faculty professors, while communicating with students, have also learned to be more open, responsive, sincere, and wiser! And the results of the questioning were heard with pride because the students wrote that they liked the friendly pedagogical staff of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics!

"Let us train one another, and we will be rich," Socrates said.


Tamara Kovalchuk,
Associate professor of management and educational technology

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