Innovative scientific and pedagogical experience – for university instructors

January 28, 2020

On January 28, 2020, a scientific and methodological seminar for raising the pedagogical skills of scientific and pedagogical workers of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics of the NULES of Ukraine, initiated by the department of management and educational technologies with the purpose of improving the quality of the educational process, enhancing the theoretical and practical pedagogical training of instructors and increasing the level of their psychological and pedagogical skills, was held.

Traditionally, the meeting was opened by doctor of philology, professor, dean of the faculty for humanities and pedagogy Vasyl Shynkaruk, who in the course of the report on the topic "Organization of the educational process at the faculty for humanities and pedagogics and prospects of the faculty in light of requirements "Holosiivska Initiative – 2020” outlined the results of the team work in 2019 and outlined the future goals for 2020.

Oleksandr Khomenko, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the department of english at the faculty of translation studies at the Kyiv national linguistic university, continued accounting. Reporting on the topic "Methodology of the innovative system of students' foreign language training in the context of globalization", he revealed the main problems of studying foreign languages by students of general secondary education and their preparation for admission to higher education institutions and passing a single entrance exam in master's and bachelor's degree.

The report of the candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the laboratory of digital and media technologies in the education of the Scientific and methodological centre of higher professional and higher education Svitlana Zhukovska on the topic “Information and resource support of the educational process in the conditions of socialization of society” aroused considerable scientific interest and discussion among the faculty for humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine, as in its process new requirements for creation of modern electronic educational manuals were revealed in detail.

Head of the laboratory of pedagogical innovation of Scientific and methodological centre of higher professional and higher education Nina Lykhokhod, in her report “Innovative pedagogical activity. Best pedagogical practices” dwelt on the conditions of participation in the competition “Pedagogical Oscar” and revealed the best experience of scientific and pedagogical workers of institutions of agricultural higher education.

The complex of skills responsible for successful participation in the work process of scientific-pedagogical workers of institutions of higher education was highlighted by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of pedagogics of the faculty for humanities and pedagogy Oleksandr Prokhorchuk in his report "SOFT SKILLS for trainers."

In the end, all participants expressed the hope that the initiated scientific and methodological seminar on improving the pedagogical skills of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics will become a tradition, and not only instructors of other higher education institutions and colleges will visit our university, but also universities around the world. 

Lyudmyla Bilan,
associate professor of management and educational technology
of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics


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