Valeria Chernenko from Chernihiv region: “NULES of Ukraine is one of the best Universities in the country, so I want to get my journalist's specialty here”

January 8, 2020
     The beginning of a new year is always full of hope for a successful start along the way to your desired goal. If you are a high school graduate, your main goal is to become a student. Valeria Chernenko, a student at the Ichnia Stepan Vasylchenko Gymnasium of Chernihiv Region, told about her dream of becoming a student of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

       Valeria, why have you decided to choose NULES of Ukraine?

– After graduating from high school I will receive a certificate of secondary education. It is necessary to pass the EIT successfully. I am doing everything for the time being - I am working hard on the subjects that I will be tested on. At the University, I want to master the "Journalism" specialty. Currently, major changes are underway in our country and global reforms are underway as well. I would like to be a part of them, and this requires qualitative knowledge and high qualification, to be competitive in the labor market. This is my conscious step into the future. I like NULES of Ukraine – it is among the best in the country. I am sure that after graduation I will find an interesting and perspective job.

       Where did you get the information about the faculty?
– Initially, I conducted my own searches on the Internet. This fall, an instructor from the Department of Journalism came to us, a former teacher of the gymnasium, Chumak Tetiana, spoke about the faculty and invited to study at NULES of Ukraine.
       Do you have any plans after graduation?
– We are only graduates of high school and I just understand what I want, that is, I do not have a clear and specific definition of what to do next. However, I am aware of the need for experience and know for sure that before I start working seriously, I must have education and practical skills wherever I have the opportunity, and there are many such opportunities at the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogic of NULES of Ukraine.
        What are your wishes?
– I want to pass EIT successfully and become a student of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
        What do you like the most apart from learning?
– My hobby is learning foreign languages, and I love reading and listening to music as well.
Thank you, Valeria, for the interesting blitz interview and until we meet again at NULES of Ukraine.
The senior lecturer of the department of journalism
and language communication
Tetiana Chumak was taking the interview


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