Teachers of the Department of Animal Biology underwent an internship at the Iowa State University (USA)

January 15, 2020
   In November 2019, teachers of the Department of Animal Biology of the Faculty of Livestock Raising and Aquatic Bioresources of NUBiP of Ukraine Associate Professor Inna Kurbatova and Associate Professor Liudmyla Chepil underwent an internship at Iowa State University (Ames, USA) as a part of the program “Animal Ecology and Animal Science”, guided by Professor Don Beitz.

   The internship program included visits to the Animal Health Center, America's largest carp farm, and various faculties and science and training laboratories. Expanding international cooperation with the world's leading higher education institutions is one of the main priorities of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The teachers got acquainted with the structure of the university, its educational, scientific and research activities. They also had an opportunity to attend classes of American counterparts and to deliver a lecture for the students majoring in International Management and Livestock Raising.


    As a result of the internship, the parties reached an agreement on scientific cooperation. We express our sincere gratitude to Stefan and Kateryna Dwojak ISU-Ukraine Exchange Fund for its help in organising the internship.



Liudmyla Chepil,
Associate Professor of the Department of Animal Biology



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