NUBiP student Vyacheslav Annenkov: Thanks to German language skills I received at NUBiP of Ukraine, I was able to participate in an international conference in Germany!

January 12, 2020
   From December 28, 2019 to January 03, 2020, I participated in the international conference held at the Internationales Haus Sonnenberg Training Center in Sankt Andreasberg (Germany).

    The conference was attended by representatives from Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic and African countries - Benin, Senegal, Ghana and Namibia. I was positively impressed by the organization of the conference. We were staying in a great hotel with daily housekeeping and full board. The conference organizers were extremely friendly and positive, and eagerly provided detailed information on each question, using audio and visual aids. It was very exciting to listen to the speeches of the representatives from Africa. I learned a lot of new facts about living in African countries, their systems of education, economics, relations between countries and other issues. All the speeches were delivered in German.

    All the participants were polite, educated, friendly, sociable, and cheerful. I am pleased to have met many wonderful, bright and interesting people.

    The training center had a large space, where the conference participants were able to communicate with each other on free topics and play tennis and billiards. The celebration of New Year 2020, held at the Internationales Haus Sonnenberg, was stunning.

     The conference fully met my expectations. The reports and speeches were interesting and informative, and the discussions were meaningful and diverse.
    I will do my best to attend the next conference in this beautiful German city.

Vyacheslav Annenkov,
student of the FilNA-16001b group of the
Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy

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