International Workshop "University Culture of Both Hemispheres"

November 8, 2012

Second International Workshop "University Culture of Both Hemispheres" was held at National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine under the aegis of Associate Professor of Department of Culture, T.F. Melnychuk and Educational and Research Centre for Cultural, Educational and Social Work.

Its main goal was to share the experience of living and studying abroad. During the workshop, speakers drew on their experience of internships and described academic culture characteristics in Pennsylvania State University and University of Colorado, as well as experience of staying and working in the Netherlands and the U.S.A. Among the speakers were:

-       Associate Professor A.M.Shysh ("The experience and academic culture characteristics in Pennsylvania State University");

-       Associate Professor V.O.Yavorska ("The experience and academic culture characteristics in University of Colorado ");

-       Student N. Pikulyk ("Practical training in the Netherlands");

-       Student V. Dubchak ("Experience of staying and working in the state of Maryland (USA)").

Today, students and graduates of universities have an excellent opportunity to study abroad and master foreign languages. Besides work and language practice, trainees get to know the culture of another country, its customs, nature and other features. None of the speakers regretted about their trips. It encouraged students to consider organizing their own student life.

Information Department
of Educational and Research Centre for Cultural, Educational and Social Work


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