Agrokebety students attended a lecture of Director of IAMO, Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann (Germany)

December 1, 2019
   On November 29, 2019, Director of IAMO, Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann delivered a lecture “Can modern agriculture meet societal expectations?” to the students of Agrokebety project.

   The lecture was devoted to German agriculture, farmers’ strikes in Germany, the Netherlands and France, internal conflicts in agriculture, the romanticization of farming and its realities, associations and cooperatives in Germany, social relations in agriculture, GMOs, sizes of agricultural enterprises in Germany and Ukraine, and more.

   It was only the first meeting. To continue the discussion, the participants agreed to meet in spring 2020.

We express our sincere gratitude to the President of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, Alex Lissitsa, for his assistance in organizing this meeting!

Olena Kovtun,
Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Management
and Foreign Economic Activity

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