December 2, 2019
   On November 21-22, two international events took place in Brussels: 7TH MEETING H2020 NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS “FOOD SECURITY, SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, MARINE AND MARITIME AND INLAND WATERS RESEARCH AND THE BIOECONOMY” (21.11.2019; 9: 00-12: 30) and BioHorizon's Final Conference Project Final Event (21/11/2019; 14: 30-18: 00) & Site Visit (11/22/2019; 8: 30-14: 00) on the BioHorizont project (coordinator - Bozena Podlaska; BioHorizon project, EU H2020 Research and Innovation Program, Grant Agreement No 652637;

   The main purpose of the 7th NPC Meeting on FOOD SECURITY, SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, MARINE AND MARITIME AND INLAND WATERS RESEARCH AND THE BIOECONOMY was to provide detailed information on the evaluation of the Social Challenge 2 competitive bids and to present new project topics during 2020. BioHorizon Final Conference aimed at creating a solution-oriented platform open for discussions, addressing the key levers for summarizing project activities and strengthening the European Research Area (ERA) with the National Contact Points services across the EU.

   During the 7th MEETING H2020 NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS "FOOD SECURITY, SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, MARINE AND MARITIME AND INLAND WATERS RESEARCH AND THE BIOECONOMY" (21/11/2019; 9: 00-12: 30) the following scientists delivered their presentations: Ms. F. Cuesta Sanchez (REA.B2) “Evaluation of single stage Societal Challenge 2 2019 calls”; Ms. K. Rosenow (AGRI.B2) “Presentation of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI)”; D. Amato (RTD.C5) “Presentation of the 2020 calls” & “Other funding opportunities. BBI - PRIMA - EIT FOOD”.

   Bożena Podlaska, IPPT PAN, BioHorizon coordinator, and Tomasz Mróz, IPPT PAN BioHorizon Project Manager, opened BioHorizon's Final Conference Project Final Event (21/11/2019; 14: 30-18: 00). The report on “Set the scene towards the future: Overview on the future Horizon Europe structure and systems” by Davide Amato, European Commission - DG RTD and Alexia Rouby, European Commission - DG AGRI was the key event of the Conference.

   Considerable attention was paid to a short poster session, which presented the results of the BioHorizon project in 4 areas: training, training, workshops and brokerage activities over its 5-year term.
   Moderated by Alexandros Theodoridis (JUELICH, BioHorizon partner), a stakeholder dialogue was held to bring together bioeconomic initiatives and the NCP Network. Among the participants were Eleni Zika (Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU)), Marja-Liise Meurice (EIT Food CLC) North-East), Eduardo Cuoco (TP Organics), Martijntje Bakker (JPI-A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (HDHL)).

    The part of the conference “5 years of sharing: how Bio-NCPs taking advantages of BioHorizon services” was moderated by Sigrún Ólafsdóttir (RANNIS, BioHorizon partner). During this part a lot of Bio-NCP representatives delivered their presentations. Among them was Liliia Kalachniuk, the head of the National Scientific Committee “Food Safety, Sustainable Agriculture, Marine Research and Bioeconomy” at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The scientists delivered brief reports on their achievements using BioHorizon resources (a short presentation presentation file by L. Kalachniuk is attached).


   The first day of the conference ended with awarding one of the youngest participants of the conference - the winner of the quiz for knowledge of the necessary terminology for successful work of NPC, and also the veterans of the BioHorizon team. The moderators of this part of the conference were Saske Hoving and Ben Kubbinga (MinEZ / RvO, BioHorizon partner) and the final session - Bożena Podlaska (IPPT PAN, BioHorizon coordinator).

   The second day of the conference was dedicated to the visit to the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (BBEU) in Ghent, an independent, state-of-the-art facility that operates from a laboratory to a multi-ton scale level, and enables the conversion of biomass (a.o. agricultural crops and by-products, industrial side streams) into biochemicals, biomaterials, biofuels and other bioproducts. (

Olexander Labenko,
Head of the ERC for International Activity


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