From theory to practice or how future social workers gain sustainable skills

November 6, 2019

 The digital age is forcing the faculty to look for new forms of student learning, that is, the ultimate goal of learning is to be effective. Transforming knowledge into sustainable skills is a time-consuming process, as they are shared by skills that are known to be put into practice. And here practitioners come to help the instructors. The Kyiv City Center for Social Services for Families, Children and Youth is a long-standing reliable friend, partner and assistant of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Methodists, narcologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, coaches, volunteers are an incomplete list of specialists who conduct trainings with students of the specialty "Social work".

This time it was interesting and fruitful to have a practical training for students of the fourth year of study on the specialty "Social work" in the discipline "Information resources for social and pedagogical activity". Having revealed the structure of the Center, Hanna Shabatina asked the students some problematic questions. It was a pleasure to watch lively discussions and students' awareness of the problems of providing social assistance to different groups of clients. Students mentioned all categories of clients except human trafficking... Yes, since 2016 Kyiv (Boryspil Airport) has become a "transshipment point" for human trafficking. That is why Hanna Mykolaivna elaborated on this aspect in more detail. No less interesting and cheerful were the trainings for students. Thus, the training "Put on a man", provided an opportunity for students to be in the role of social workers. Within a minute, it was necessary to write an instruction to the district social worker how to put a jacket on a person. In doing so, the employee was constantly distracted by other tasks.

Carrying out the role-playing game "Motivate the client" prompted the students to apply the whole arsenal of available knowledge, to present convincing arguments, to prove the need to work for the client according to the rules of the social worker. The key to this game was motivation. Remembering the students and the work of psychologists with underage pregnant girls.

Two hours passed without even noticing it. The goal was achieved and the exercises, discussions, questions were long heard after its completion.
Svitlana Varkholyak, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation, expressed her impressions of the practical training: an opportunity to dive into future professional activity and also to find a place of industrial practice”.



What impression did the students have on the field? Victoria Matsola remembers it this way, “Every day life throws up new challenges and it is very important to be able to accept them with dignity. It is the profession of social orientation, in particular, the specialty "Social work", designed to help people to solve all kinds of life problems: addictions, conflicts in the family, early motherhood and so on. Mastering the theoretical foundations of such a profession is very, very important for the future specialist, but you can become a true professional only by mastering practical tools. Trainings, meetings, and field trips are some of the best ways to gain hands-on skills for students. It is extremely gratifying when university instructors understand this point and actively involve young people in this type of activity.


On Monday, November 4, a training session was held at the Kyiv City Center for Social Services for Families, Children and Youth. Hanna Mykolaivna Shabatina outlined a number of problems to be solved by the Center. The group exercise to determine customer motivation became interesting. Those who were attentive, they remembered that the center provided services on a free basis. These were the key words. And here the main thing was to convince, to motivate the client that he with the help of experts began to overcome difficulties. In general, several hours of classes flew by unnoticed.

Organizer and coordinator of field trips
from the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics
Professor of the Department of Management and Educational Technology
Nina Tverezovska

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