Belt & Road China-Ukraine Forum for Higher Education Exchange and Cooperation

November 3, 2019
    From October 27 to November 2, NUBiP delegation consisting of Vice-Rector for Educational Activities, Serhii Kvasha, and Deputy Head of the ERC for International Activity, Volodymyr Afanasenko, visited the city of Changzhou (People's Republic of China).

   The purpose of the trip was to create a platform for cooperation and facilitation of exchanges between the universities and colleges of Henan Province and Ukraine in the framework of Belt & Road China-Ukraine Forum for Higher Education Exchange and Cooperation.

     The event was supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Education of Henan Province and the Humanitarian Exchange Center. Ukraine was represented by the National Transport University, the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, and V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. China was represented by the North China University of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, the Polytechnic University, and Henan Pedagogical University.

   Opening the forum, Secretary General of Henan Province Zheng Banshau noted the importance and timeliness of cooperation between the peoples of China and Ukraine in the development of education and science, transport communications, food industry and other areas.

    Serhii Kvasha delivered a presentation during the plenary session. It was devoted to NUBiP of Ukraine, its main fields of research and training, availability of English master and postgraduate programs, as well as the prospects of scientific cooperation.

    As a result of the meeting, the parties signed the Memoranda of Understanding between Ukrainian and Chinese universities.

    At the sectional meetings, the Ukrainian delegation got acquainted with the laboratory, educational and scientific resources of Chinese universities, and presented Ukrainian scientific developments.

     In the long term, the exchange of students, graduate students and teachers is planned to be continued. Both countries are interested in active cooperation and many joint projects are awaiting implementation.

Volodymyr Afanasenko


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