In Search of Truth: International Conference of Psychologists at the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics

November 5, 2019

 A well-known scientist Kurt Levin, exploring the nature of personality and psychological determinants of his/her behavior, came to the conclusion: personality is a complex phenomenon formed from subsystems that interact with each other. If the personality is active, then the subsystems are tense. Human activity depends on his/her psychological characteristics and social environment. Personality behavior is a derivative function of human intrapsychic factors and external social situation. Taking into account these provisions, the staff of the Department of Psychology, Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics, created a powerful incentive for the revitalization of scientific and pedagogical workers, as well as the motivation of students of the specialty "Psychology". Such an important, momentous impetus was the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Modern Psychology: Realities and Perspectives", held on October 31, 2019.

The purpose of the conference was to create a platform for dialogue between scientists and practitioners to promote the implementation of the best scientific achievements in practice, as well as to analyze and systematize the experience of psychological assistance to different categories of Ukrainian population. We are pleased to note that all the speakers emphasized the relevance of the event and emphasized the effectiveness of the chosen format - the interaction of science and practice.

An important prerequisite for addressing the urgent challenges of today is the development of psychology itself as applied science. Certainly, its progress requires the exchange of experience between different scientific schools, the implementation of the best scientific achievements in practice. It is a pleasure to note that representatives of the leading scientific schools of psychology came to our conference:

  • - Hrygoriy Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;
  • - Faculty of Psychology, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University;
  • - Faculty of Psychology, M.P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University;
  • - Borys Hrinchenko Institute of Human Sciences;
  • - Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University;
  • - T.H. Shevchenko “Chernihiv Collegium” National University;
  • - Taras Shevchenko Kremenets Regional Humanities and Pedagogical Academy;
  • - K..D Ushynskyi State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University";
  • - Odessa Technological University "SHAH";
  • - Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University.

Comparative studies are of particular value nowadays, as they make it possible to compare the approaches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists. That is why representatives of the scientific elite joined the conference:

  • The Republic of Poland (Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce),
  • The Republic of Belarus (Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts),
  • The Russian Federation (Institute of Applied Psychology (Moscow), the Institution of Education "St. Petersburg State University" (St. Petersburg));
  • Republic of Moldova (Tiraspol State University (Tiraspol)).

More than 100 students participated in the conference: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, M.P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, as well as representatives of foreign countries - People's Republic of China, Republic of Ghana.

The conference moderator - the Head of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Vitaliy Shmarhun addressed the congratulations to the participants of the conference. He emphasized the importance of the event for scientists and students of NULES of Ukraine, thanked the guests for participation in the conference, expressed gratitude to the staff of the Department of Psychology for the united work, and to the rector Stanislav Nikolaenko for the support.

The Deputy Dean of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Svitlana Kharchenko congratulated the attendees, she emphasized the relevance of the conference, expressed her gratitude to the guests for the opportunity of personal participation, wished the participants an interesting and productive discussion. She conveyed congratulations from the Dean - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Vasyl Shynkaruk, who was unable to attend the conference due to a business trip.

The participants were delighted to hear the scientific reports:

  • Ivan Danylyuk - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;
  • Maryana Marusynets - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the M.P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University;
  • Maksym Lazarev, medical psychologist, educational psychologist, deputy director of the Institute of Applied Psychology (Moscow, Russian Federation);
  • Bohdan Tkach - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Senior Researcher at the H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;
  • Yuriy Stratovych - Specialist in emotional education and developmental disorders in children, Vice-President of the All-Ukrainian Association of child psychiatrists, “Psychiatry” TMO.
  • Vadym Skvark, Kateryna Bahan - psychologists-practitioners of the Kyiv City Narcological Hospital "Sociotherapy", department № 5.
  • Iryna Biletska - Director of the Inclusive Resource Center (Kyiv).
  • Valentyna Ivashchenko - Acting deputy director general for rehabilitation work of the Municipal Institution of the Kyiv Regional Council "Regional Psychiatric-Narcological Medical Association".

The participants of the conference were fascinated by the relevance of the reports, their deep content, practical orientation of research, skillful presentation of the results of scientific research. This is evidenced by a series of approving comments posted by participants on the social network Facebook.

The culmination of the conference was the second part - master classes conducted by leading psychologists and psychotherapists: Lazarev Maksym, Voloshyn Volodymyr, Kryvusheia Natalia, Klindukh Olha, Yakushyk Serhiy, Tkach Bohdan, Karas Anzhela, Skvark Vadym, Bahan Kateryna, Maksymova Olena, Lazuka Oksana.

We sincerely thank all colleagues who have agreed to share their experience with students and faculty. We express our admiration for your professionalism, dedication, ascension in the field of psychological education! We look forward to further cooperation with you!

The outcome of the conference is not only a formal resolution, but more important feedback from participants. And it is commendable: what is the one and only question of the students: "And when will be the conference on psychology held again?" So, the organizers and participants have completed their tasks in full.

Lyudmyla Omelchenko,

Associate Professor of Psychology

Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics

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