Autumn School for “Young Philologist” entrants opens

October 29, 2019

On October 28, 2019 the solemn opening of the fourth Autumn school for entrants “Young philologist” was held on the basis of the departments of Romance-Germanic languages and translation, English philology, foreign philology and translation, English for technical and agrobiology specialties of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics. The event was implemented by the support of the Dean of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics Shynkaruk V.D., Doctor of Philology, Professor.

This year the Autumn school "Young philologist" has gained momentum. Accompanied by their teachers, 45 pupils of gymnasium No. 179 of Holosiivskyi district, general school of I-III degrees No. 196 of Svyatoshynskyi district and comprehensive school of I-III grades No. 280 of Darnytsya district attended the event. Such an event within the walls of our University has already become a good tradition and brand identity of our faculty.

The guests of the Kyiv city schools were greeted by the distinguished Presidium: A.H. Kravchenko, Deputy Dean of the Faculty, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor; Kravchenko N.K., Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Romance-Germanic Languages and Translation; Amelina S.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation; Hrabovska I.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of English for Technical and Agrobiology Specialties, Sydoruk H.I., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Romance-Germanic Languages and Translation Department, Myshak O.O., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences , Assistant of the Department of Romance-Germanic Languages and Translation.

Future students have acquainted with the printed materials about NULES of Ukraine and the content of training in the specialty "Philology". Demonstration of career guidance video evoked a lot of positive emotions in students and they got interested in joining our Alma Mater.

On the first day of the Autumn school for entrants "Young Philologist" there was a class "Translation Workshop" for students. Presentations for students were prepared by the 2nd year philological students under the guidance of Assistant Professor of the Department of Romance-Germanic Languages and Translation Halyna Sydoruk.

Habdrahmanova Daryna, Lytovchenko Maryna, Lukyanchuk Ivanna, Kuzmenko Victoria, Satsyuk Diana, Kryvchuk Victoria, Sobutskyi Yuriy, Didun Veronica, Yanova Nadiia, Kolumbet Victoria prepared quizzes about the prospects and advantages of the profession of translator, solved crossword puzzles, riddles and read poems in English together with pupils.

The associate professors of the Department of Romance-Germanic languages and translation Snitsar Valentyna and Holtzova Marianna conducted the interactive linguistic and cultural studies for future entrants.

The students watched videos of the opening of Parliament by Queen Elizabeth II in 1960, 2016, 2017 and 2019, after which they were asked to compare the ceremonial attire and accompaniment of the monarch to Westminster Palace, the features of the throne speech addressed to the Houses of Parliament. The prepared didactic materials helped the teachers to get the students interested in the topic discussed, to encourage them to participate actively in the class, to deepen their knowledge of linguistics.

The “British Royal Family” quiz generated a lot of interest and discussion among the participants of the interactive session. Students learned interesting facts about the life, traditions, history and rules of life of the British royal family. The multimedia quest quiz gave the opportunity to all present to discover the secrets of one of the most popular royal dynasties in the world. The students actively answered the quiz questions, were interested in the information provided, showed erudition and ingenuity, had fun and at the same time had a good time. The first day of school was fruitful and exciting, and all participants are looking forward to the next events.

Sydoruk H.I., Snitsar V.P., Holtsova M.H.,
associate professors of the Department of Romance-Germanic Languages and Translation
Myshak O.O.,
assistant of the Department of Romance-Germanic Languages and Translation,
moderator of the “Young Philologist” School





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