Professor Jan Křen from Mendel University (Czech Republic) delivered a course of lectures for students of Agrokebety Business School

October 5, 2019
    On October 2-6, 2019, Prof. Dr. Jan Křen (Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic) visited the Faculty of Agricultural Management and delivered a course of lectures to the students of Agrokebety Business School. His lectures were devoted to modern technologies in agricultural management and management optimization of crop production from the agronomic and economic points of view.

    Anatoliy Ostapchuk, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Management, greeted and officially presented the guest.

    Prof. Křen focused on the following topics:

  • Introduction to agrosystems
  • Increasing grain yield and quality based on interaction E x G x M
  • Optimization of crop management practices from agronomic and economic point of view
  • Results of international comparison of winter wheat crop management practices
  • Assessment of the environmental impact of the use of agrochemical inputs
  • Concept considering cereal plants as developing hierarchical gradually formed modular systems
  • Concept considering cereal plants as developing hierarchical gradually formed modular systems - practical application in the cultivation of spring barley

    Prof. Svitlana Kalenska, Head of the Department of Crop Growing, who is a permanent teacher of this discipline for Agrokebety students, actively participated in the discussions.

    With the support of Prof. Victor Kalensky and Prof. Svitlana Kalenska, Prof. Křen had the opportunity to visit V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, where he underwent an internship in the 1980s.


    After the course, Prof. Křen was presented with the certificate of Agrokebety project, signed by Alex Lissitsa, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Agrokebety project and Anatoliy Ostapchuk, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Management.

    Next week Agrokebety students will have lectures conducted by another guest, Nico Huizing, Head of Huizing Harvest company, the Netherlands.

Olena Kovtun,
Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative
Management and Foreign Economic Activity

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