We actively invite you to study

October 28, 2019


The career guidance of the Department of English language for technical and agrobiology specialties never ceases. October also appeared to be saturated with vocational guidance meetings of students with school pupils.
Thus, on October 11, 2019, a student of the Ai 1901 group, Chupyr Oleh, visited the students of the 11th grades of the basic institution of the «Kalaydyntsivska comprehensive school of I-III degrees named after F.D. Rubtsov» of the Lubny District Council of Poltava region.


On October 18, 2019, a student of the same group, Evhen Shaliyevskyi, visited Zhuravlyska Secondary School of I-III Grades - of the Stavyshche District Council of Kyiv region.

On October 22, 2019, Pavlo Holoborodko, a student of the TT 1906 group, visited the Secondary School No. 29 in Kyiv.


During the meeting, the students received a lot of interesting information that would help them to choose their future profession. There are many specialties at NULES of Ukraine for every taste! And every year this list increases according to the requirements and trends in the labor market.

The students' attention was focused on the availability of preparatory courses for external independent assessment of knowledge and the benefits they receive when entering our University after graduation. Possibility of obtaining double diplomas, presence of the Department of military training, active cultural and sports life at the University.

Students were invited to the Open Doors Day, which would be held at the University on November 1.

We would like to thank the staff of the schools and their pupils for their warm and hospitable reception! We look forward to meeting you at the NULES of Ukraine.


Yaremenko N.V.




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