The Masters of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics presented the results of their scientific research
At the present stage of its development, our society faces the challenge of developing new qualities for young Ukrainians, such as: striving for lifelong learning; constant search for the best ways to solve life's problems; willingness to lay the foundations of their own social success and contribute to public, state affairs through their educational and professional work.
Stanislav Nikolaenko
Master's work is an independent individual qualification work with elements of research and innovation, which is the result of theoretical and practical training within the framework of the normative and selective components of the educational and professional masters training program. Master's work is a form of controlling the integrated knowledge and skills, necessary for fulfilling professional duties, acquired by students or the magistracy students in the process of studying.
The fulfillment and protection of the Master's works is the final stage of training students (trainees) in the educational-professional (educational-scientific) program for training Masters and the form of certification of applicants for higher education.
According to the schedule of holding a university conference for the students of the 2nd year of study to present the results of their research in the form of a poster presentation on October 15, 2019 at the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics there was a presentation of Master's works of students of specialty "Pedagogy of Higher School”. The poster presentation was at the heart of the students' reports. The purpose of the preliminary protection was to check the volume and content of the performed research, the correspondence of the content to the chosen topic of work, practical significance and algorithm of conducting master's studies. This kind of presenting the research results is an important stage in training Masters and a kind of rehearsal for final defense of final works. The ability to inform, but briefly and reasonably present complex pedagogical decisions - these are practical skills that are needed for future educators in their future professional life.
The event was started by Serhiy Kvasha, Vice-Rector for Training and Educational Work. He shared thoughts on the state of development of domestic and foreign science, its realities and prospects. The year 2000 was mentioned. Berlin. Conference. For a broader overview of scientific work, the conference organizing committee has structured the scientists' reports with poster presentations. Overseas experience was implemented at home. Vice-rector for training and educational work S.M. Kvasha since 2004 has proposed to present the results of scientific searches of undergraduates at conferences by means of poster presentations. Poster presentations at the NULES of Ukraine on the pre-defense of Master's works help the students to address their laps. You can complete the work within a month. The Vice-Rector expressed his hope for a business, fast scientific conversation of students and recommended to reflect on their scientific research. He recommended to change 15 percent of topics annually. Undergraduates of the specialty "Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" ("Pedagogy of Higher School") were evaluated by a working group headed by a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department Ruslan Vasylyovych Sopivnyk, who presented the winners of the All-Ukrainian Olympiads on pedagogical disciplines Maryna Bondarenko, Iryna Tkachenko and Adriana Lytyuk. The commission also included: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Vasyuk O.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Journalism and Language Communication Kostrytsya N.M., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogics Kovalchuk T.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Varava O.B., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Prokhorchuk O.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Head of the Magistracy Department Kolesnikova O.M.
The conference was debatable. During the discussion, practical recommendations were voiced; there was activity during the discussion, interest to what was heard and seen. And this testifies to the high level of mastering the material, the desire of Masters to learn new, to show their deep knowledge and the availability of young scientists’ potential. A number of papers were noted by the commission members.
Bondarenko Maryna Mykolaivna (scientific supervisor R.V. Sopivnyk) conducted research on the topic: "Gender upbringing of student youth (on the example of NULES of Ukraine)". The debate over this problem was interesting. Only 10% of respondents know what gender equality is. The Vice-rector was interested in the topic of the study. The issue of a woman's place in the future of society was discussed: access to politics, leadership of institutions, relations between men and women. Students discussed this issue enthusiastically.
Demchenko Natalia Yuriivna (Scientific adviser Butsyk I.M.) conducted research on the topic: "Development of creative abilities in future teachers of higher education institutions". The specificity of the development of creative abilities in the future teachers of higher educational institutions of the humanities profile is different from the development of creative abilities of future teachers of higher education institutions of technical profile. Technical creativity has its own specificity of development, so Professor Kostrytsya N.M. suggested to specify their specificity for different specializations in the subject of research.
Hrynchuk Iryna Oleksandrivna (supervisor Honcharuk O.M.) revealed the theme: "Application of game technologies in studying discipline "Pedagogy”. In the work of the undergraduate student the expediency of using game technologies at the lessons of the discipline "Pedagogy" was presented.
Student Pekareva V.V. (supervisor Sopivnyk R.V.) reported the results of the research on the topic: "Forming a student team in the conditions of higher education institution (on the example of NULES of Ukraine.") The interest of the undergraduate students in the creative teams of our university added much to solving the tasks of the study.
It is worth noting the poster presentation of Seredyuk Victoria (scientific supervisor Kovalchuk T.I.). The theme of the paper "Formation of student learning motivation in higher education institutions". Changing student motivation while studying at NULES of Ukraine is rather interesting and ambiguous topic.
The paper of Shymko A.V. was very interesting (scientific adviser Vasyuk O.V.). The student conducted a research on the topic: “Application of problem teaching when studying the discipline“ Pedagogy ”and was no less convincing. In the work of the undergraduate student theoretical and methodical aspects of this problem have been revealed. Many listeners were interested in this issue, the unconventional view of the undergraduate student, the successful presentation of research results.
It should be noted that the issues covered at the conference were innovative, thoroughly prepared, well thought out and well presented. The problems that undergraduates have worked on are relevant and diverse and, indeed, worthy of attention. Students easily and professionally answered the questions raised during the discussion. In turn, the committee members noted the strengths of the poster projects and provided some guidance on how to refine them. This event was beneficial for the students, as it allowed them to look from a different angle on their own achievements and master their presentation skills, which they will need not only during the basic protection of Master's works, but also in future professional activity.
Summarizing the results of the reporting conference on the results of pedagogical research, poster presentations, it is safe to say that the undergraduate students have fruitfully worked on scientific works and, taking into account the wishes of the commission, in the near future they will successfully defend their Master's works on specialty “Educational, pedagogical sciences” (“Pedagogy of Higher Education”).
Tamara Kovalchuk,
Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy