Professor V.L. Symyrenko Department of Horticulture

Scientific work

Research and Innovation work in Department is conducted in Teaching and Research Center of genetic resources and expertise of plant varieties (Director Corresponding Member NAAS of Ukraine V. Volkodav) based collectible fruit and nursery crops and greenhouse Educational Scientific and production laboratory testing of breeding achievements and environmental assessment technologies of growing fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers and ornamental crops (head Pawluk VA) and also in laboratories NUBiP Ukraine and the Institute of Horticulture NAAS of Ukraine.
The main areas of research of the department is to create varieties of fruit, berry and rare plants, study their economic and biological characteristics and development of production technologies. Experts from the department, 6 national standards for growing technology and reproduction of individual cultures, received more than 30 certificates for varieties and patents (by PZ Sherenhovyy, VS Fedorenko, KD companion, YY Andrusyk, Silenko VA, VT Gontar, NV Shevchuk, BM Mazur, A. Silaeva). Head of subject research laboratory on berry and fruit crops and cultivation technologies are PZ Sherenhovym created more than 80 varieties of fruit and berry plants, including 19 varieties entered in the Register of Ukraine.
It is carried out such research work:
110/259-pr "Develop ecologically reasonable energy saving technology intensive cultivation of apple planting on vegetative height tree stocks in the steppes of Ukraine."
Head theme - Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture Victor A. Strelnikov
110/255-pr "New high-yield varieties of golden currant and blackberry adapted to growing conditions in the northern steppes of Ukraine."
Head theme - Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture Boris M. Mazur
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