UEFA noted work of our volunteers

August 10, 2012

This summer Ukraine together with Poland held the final part of the fourteenth European Football Championship. "Euro 2012" became the first tournament of such kind held in Eastern Europe. It was a powerful impetus that proved to the world that Ukraine is a European country capable of conducting great and significant events.

Many foreign fans visited Ukraine, especially its capital, Kyiv. So a large number of volunteers agreed to help in organization and guide foreigners. Students of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences were not an exception.

Volunteer activities reached their peak during the organization of the concert before the final match "Spain - Italy". During the closing ceremony of “Euro 2012” the arena of the sports complex "Olympiyskyy" was attended by about five hundred Kiev volunteers, many of whom were activists of the Student Organization of NUBiP of Ukraine. Preparations for the concert took nearly two weeks of constant and intense work. The result was the stunning and spectacular closing ceremony of "Euro 2012".

It is pleasant to mention that the most active Kyiv volunteers were awarded diplomas from UEFA president Michel Platini. Among them were the representatives of the university Igor Dmytrenko, Kostyantyn Rukhlov, Maxim Volkivskyy, Eugene Kotlyarov, Yuri Slozko, Vasil Shovah. Student Organization of NUBiP of Ukraine also received an award.

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