NUBiP representatives participated in the Ukrainian-Israeli educational mission

July 1, 2019
    Head of the Department of Exchange Activity and Trade, Nadiia Reznik took part in the four-day EduMission program (June 23-26, 2019) devoted to cooperation in the field of higher education between Israel and Ukraine. The program also aims at popularizing Ukrainian higher education among Israeli students.


    EduMission is a platform for experience exchange, studying working formats and developing cooperation between our countries in such an important field as education. The program was intensive and consisted of the educational forum attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the State of Israel, Gennadiy Nadolenko, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Roman Greba, Head of the Ukrainian State Center for International Education, Olena Shapovalova, as well as the strategic session “Development of Partnership Programs” with the representatives of Israeli-Ukrainian Alliance, business and government Structures.

    The participants presented their universities. Nadiia Reznik introduced the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, highlighted its benefits and presented university international programs, achievements and experience in the field of international cooperation. The mission program also included visits to Shimon Peres Innovation Center and six Israeli universities: Ariel University, Haifa University, Tel Aviv University, Jewish University, Ben Gurion University, and Technion University included in the 100 Best Universities of the World Ranking. The participants also attended the meetings with the administration of Arab College, Seminar Hakibbutzim College and longtime partner of Ukraine, MASHAV (Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, established as a division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

    University representatives also met with potential students at Yaffa Youth Center and delegates of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and discussed possible corporations, innovative projects and their implementation in educational institutions, cooperation of business and education in the form of tripartite project participation, startup and research development programs, including double degree programs, PhD programs, and academic exchanges.

    For the first time, six Ukrainian higher educational establishments were presented at this level with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which will open new opportunities for cooperation between countries, implementation of joint educational and other projects. The number of Israelis in Ukrainian higher educational establishments has increased from 1364 people in 2016-2018 to 2460 as of today. There are many areas, in which Israeli education offers a lot of new experience and opens new promising areas for development (e.g. fundraising college departments, academic accelerator programs that help to implement the ideas generated by students and teachers, commercialization of scientific research).

    As a result, perspective development directions were identified (e.g. engineering, veterinary, data science, it-technology, user experience design, management, aquaculture, statistics, etc.). We express our sincere gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the work of the mission to Israeli Friends of Ukraine, Ukrainian National Alliance, Ukrainian National Center for International Education, Ukrainian Jewish Encounter, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and Embassy of Ukraine in the State of Israel.

 Yulia Dyachenko,
Assistant of the Department of Exchange Activity and Trade

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