Teacher of the Department of Epizootology and Veterinary Business Organization, Valeriya Yustyniuk, was admitted to the Fulbright program

June 19, 2019
      On June 14, 2019, the US Embassy in Ukraine hosted the Fulbright Fellowship Awards Ceremony sponsored by the US Government and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE).

    Since the inception of the Fulbright Program in Ukraine, nearly 1000 Ukrainian scholars, students, and professionals have traveled to the United States for research or study in U.S. institutions of higher education. During the same period, more than 700 U.S scholars, students, and professionals have participated in the Fulbright Program in Ukraine as university lecturers, researchers, and consultants.

     This year, the organizers received more than 500 applications for the Fulbright program. After reviewing the works, the experts conducted over 120 interviews with potential candidates and eventually selected 32 finalists.
     We are proud that our colleague, member of the Department of Epizootology and Veterinary Business Organization (headed by Vitaliy Nedosekov) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of NUBiP of Ukraine, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Valeriya Yustyniuk won the grant of the Fulbright Research and Development Program for conducting research at North Carolina State University.

     Valeriya Yustyniuk is the first representative of NUBiP of Ukraine, who became a Fulbrighter.
     We are proud of our colleague and wish her success and inspiration!


Volodymyr Melnyk,
Associate Professor of the Department of Epizootology
and Veterinary Business Organization

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