Graduate student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Iryna Makovska won the 1st place in PhD Stydents section at the V International Conference on Veterinary Medicine at Warsaw University of Life Sciences

May 26, 2019

     From May 11 till May 12, 2019, the V International Scientific Conference for students and postgraduate students, organized by veterinary scientist Tomash Sadkovsky, was held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). Representatives from Germany, Spain, Turkey, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine and Russia shared their scientific achievements. The honorable guests were Dr. Helen Luton (Munich), Dr. Kinga Majchrzak (Warsaw) and Dr. Magdalena Larska (Pulawi). This conference was extremely important for young scientists, since it gave an opportunity to present their work and receive an assessment by foreign experts.

     NUBiP of Ukraine was represented by a postgraduate student of the Department of Epizootology and Veterinary Business Organization of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Iryna Makovska, who delivered the presentation on “Analysis of modern epizootic rabies situation using geoinformation technologies”.

      The report was very relevant and informative and raised a lively discussion.

     According to the commission's feedback, Iryna Makovska conducted a complex, interesting and up-to-date work, which was highly appreciated and awarded with the 1st place in PhD Stydents section.

    In addition to the certificate, Iryna Makovska was offered an opportunity to undergo an internship in the Laboratory of Epizootology under supervision and guidance of Professor Yaroslav Kabi. We hope this will be a small step for further great collaboration between university scientists and their counterparts from Warsaw.

Vitali Nedosekov,
Head of the Department of Epizootology
and Veterinary Business Organization


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