Italian scientists at NUBiP of Ukraine

May 24, 2019
     On May 23, 2019, guests from Italy, Professor Antonio Colavecchio and Professor Andrea Maltoni, visited NUBiP of Ukraine at the invitation of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy.
    The scientists delivered two public lectures on topics “Main trends in the regulation of international relations between Italy and Ukraine” (Prof. Dr. Antonio Colavecchio) and “World globalization and security challenges for Europe on the example of Italy” (Prof. Dr. Andrea Maltoni).


     The scientists outlined key directions and areas of cooperation between Italy and Ukraine, as well as existing foreign policy problems for both states.

     The meeting was interesting and constructive. NUBiP students and teachers eagerly participated in the discussion of the above mentioned issues. All communication was in English.


     We hope that close international communication among the experienced and young scientists will facilitate the establishment of fruitful cooperation in the scientific and educational fields between NUBiP of Ukraine and Italian universities.

       The guests had the opportunity to walk around university campus, get acquainted with its 100-year history, and admire our elegant botanical garden.


Lyudmyla Lanovyuk,
Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations
and Social Sciences


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