Students of the Faculty of Economics took part in TOPAS project: first trainings in Chelmsford (the UK)

March 19, 2019
     The first week of TOPAS project (From Theoretical-Oriented to Practical Education in Agrarian Studies) at Writtle University College (WUC) (Chelmsford, UK) has passed.

     Students participating in the project had the opportunity to get acquainted with Writtle University College education system, deepen their knowledge and gain valuable learning experience in a new and creative environment. They shared their impressions of the project.

     On the first day, we met our coordinator, Nieky Van Veggel, who told us all the details of the program and our schedule for the week. Afterwards, WUC students prepared a university tour for us. Due to the large number of research fields, greenhouses, and laboratories, students have the opportunity to acquire practical skills, and scientists can conduct a variety of research activities. It was rather unexpected to see a small zoo belonging to the university, which makes it possible for students studying veterinary science or animal husbandry to get hands-on experience.

     The following day, we attended a lecture and a seminar on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture, and lectures on Plant Production Technology and Livestock Production Technology. The latter was conducted by the general manager of the leading poultry farm in East England. We also had the opportunity to attend theses defence of the students majoring in Animal Management and Animal Science, and to assess their work according to the following criteria: presentation type, content, depth of research, quality of provided answers to the questions asked.

     At the end of the training, we have to create our own project (portfolio), analyzing our own experience and impressions during the training.


     In just a week we learned a lot of useful information, and most importantly, we obtained practical experience. We are looking forward to the next week, and in the meantime, we are going to visit London.

      Information about TOPAS can be found under these links:

1. Project website

2. Facebook

3. Project details

Anna Rogovska, Vitaliy Loboda,
4th year students of the Faculty of Economics of NUBiP of Ukraine

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