Students and teachers of the Faculty of Livestock Raising and Water Bioresources successfully represented NUBiP of Ukraine at the International Conference in Lithuania

May 7, 2019
     Students and teachers of the Faculty of Livestock Raising and Water Bioresources took part in the III International Conference Smart Bio (ICSB), which was held at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania.

    Smart Bio conference dedicated to biological and environmental sciences is held for the third time by Vytautas Magnus University, one of the leading Lithuanian universities. The conference was attended by scientists from 17 countries of the world, including Belarus, Brazil, Georgia, Estonia, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Germany, Russia, Slovakia, the United States of America, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. This year, teachers and students of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine were among the participants. Associate professors of the Department of Animal Biology, Ivan Mytyay and Olena Degtyarenko, and eight students of the Faculty of Livestock Raising and Water Bioresources received the invitation to participate in the conference.

   The conference participants actively worked during plenary and session meetings, as well as poster presentations. NUBiP students prepared six poster presentations.
     The university representatives received two diplomas. The organizing committee awarded Julia Plishch with the diploma for the best poster presentation on the topic “Population Characteristics of Lymnaea Stagnalis (Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae) in reservoirs of the South of Ukraine”. Ivan Mytyay received the diploma for the best organization of student's scientific work.


     We express our sincere gratitude to Rector Stanislav Nikolayenko and Dean of the Faculty of Livestock Raising and Water Bioresources, Vadym Kondratyuk, for the support and organization of the trip.

Olena Degtyarenko,
Associate Professor of the Department of Animal Biology


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