Francophone Education and Cultural Center: Ukraine-France Vacancy Fair and student meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Ukraine

May 5, 2019
      On April 20, 2019, NUBiP students together with the teacher of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Natalia Rudnytska, attended the third Ukraine-France Vacancy Fair organized by Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie Françaises en Ukraine (CCIFU), which supports the development of the French-Ukrainian business.

     This event took place in Kyiv at the Ukrainian House. More than 25 companies and approximately 1,500 visitors participated in the fair. Among the participants were such international companies as: Crédit Agricole, Sanofi, Auchan, UKRSIBBANK, Danone, Egis, Euralis, Jeantet, Lactalis, Servier, Malteurop, Mazars, Verallia, Bel, Louis Dreyfus Company and others. French companies are interested in employing purposeful students and young professionals, as well as future interpreters who are fluent in both English and French.

     The vacancy fair was a great opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of foreign companies, as well as find out about vacancies, employment programs, and internships. Students of NUBiP Ukraine were also lucky to talk to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Ukraine, Mrs. Isabelle Dumont.

     Future interpreters thanked the experienced professionals, who have helped to better understand the subtleties of their profession and the prospects of the career development in the above mentioned companies.

Victoria Rudenko,
2nd year student of the
Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy


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