NUBiP of Ukraine actively participates in the International Workshop on Innovation and Sustainable Development in France

March 5, 2019
     Innovation and Sustainable Development International Workshop, funded by the Erasmus + program, took place at Lille Catholic University (France) on March 4-8, 2019.


      More than 50 participants from 19 countries and 23 universities participated in the workshop. The program included discussion of innovation issues in education, development of partnership within the Erasmus + program, acquaintance with the developments and projects on sustainable development of the society.

      Lille Catholic University was founded in 1875. It comprises five faculties, 20 schools and institutes, research centers, and a hospital, with a cumulative student body of 30,000. The university's international cooperation is based on the partnership with 440 universities and institutions from 120 countries of the world. The number of foreign students is more than 6,000. Each year, about 5,000 students take part in international mobility, exchange and internship programs. NUBiP of Ukraine cooperates with ISA Lille, which is a university subdivision that trains agricultural engineers. Currently, 12 NUBiP students, who have Erasmus+ grants, are studying here.



      In the nearest future, we plan to introduce a double degree program between our universities. It was a key topic, discussed during the visit of Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, International Activity and Development of NUBiP of Ukraine, Vadym Tkachuk, to Lille Catholic University.

Olexander Labenko,
Head of the Education and Research Centre
For International Activity


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