International Investment Forum “Innovations. Initiative. Investments. Infrastructure”

March 1, 2012
On the 21st of February, 2012, the International Investment Forum “Innovations. Initiative. Investments. Infrastructure” took place at the National Centre of Business and Cultural Cooperation Ukrainian House. The forum was organized on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of creation of Kiev Region. The Head of Kiev Regional State Administration, A. J. Prysyazhnyuk, made a greeting speech “Kiev Region – gains and innovative-investment perspectives”. In his greetings he was joined by the President of Assembly of European Regions, Michele Sabban, and by the Governor of Crete, Stavros Arnautakis.
Among the reports presented during the forum there was one made by the Head of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Academician, D.O. Melnychuk. It was devoted to “Innovative work methods of modern agricultural enterprises: problems and perspectives”.
Dmytro Oleksiyovych mentioned that the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine is a research establishment which undertakes educational, research, innovative, industrial and information consulting activities aimed at elaboration of problems of modern life and environmental sciences, use, reproduction and well-balanced development of bioresources of land and water ecosystems, introduction of latest nature protection agricultural and biological technologies, technologies of safety and fertility revival of soils, energy saving agricultural technologies, ecological and law management in rural areas, monitoring and controlling of the maintenance of standards, quality and safety of agricultural production, its recycling and environment. Moreover, D.O. Melnychuk covered the issues concerning the history of the university and highlighted that educational activity of the university changed greatly over the past 30 years responding to the demands of time. In 1984 twelve thousand students studied at the university (at that time, Ukrainian Agricultural Academy) majoring in twelve directions. Nowadays, the number increased to more than forty thousand students majoring in forty-three directions, not to mention the fact that three out of five applicants are from Kiev region.
Apart from this, the Head of the NUBiP of Ukraine focused on the future of the establishment. In June this year the university starts the process of international accreditation in the USA. It is the first experience among Ukrainian higher education establishments.
The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine today is a leading classical research university. Its international activity imparted the educational system of the university with an opportunity to be accepted by two American universities and five European universities (Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands).
Several international master programs are carried out at the university. Master students graduate from the university with double diplomas: one of NUBiP of Ukraine and another of foreign partner-university. Among the programs:
·         Master program with obtainment of double diploma “Process management of quality” (The Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany).
·         Master programs “Environment protection”, “Bioeconomics” and “Biotechnologies” (The Wageningen University, the Netherlands).
·         Students’ program “International biobusiness” (The Agrarian University of Tokyo, Japan).
·         Master program with obtainmet of double diploma “Master of Business Administration in Agriculture (MBA)” (The Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences, Germany).
·         Master program “Master of Food and Agribusiness (MFA)” (The Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany).
In December 2011, the International Scientific and Innovative Forum “The Farm of XXI century” was held at the NUBiP of Ukraine. During the forum the scientists of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine together with the leading Ukrainian and world companies (e.g. Pioneer, John Deere, Amako etc.) presented the series of scientific-innovative and investment projects for agriculture and forestry, technical service, energetic, engineering, food industry, computer management systems, environment protection and social fields. Several treaties about further practical realization and involvement of home and foreign investments based upon the above-mentioned projects were signed. Twenty-three programs confirming aspirations of parts to cooperate in the scientific, educational, innovative and investment fields on the base of departments of the NUBiP of Ukraine in the years 2012-2017 were defined. With this aim a scientific park that will allow introducing innovations in rural infrastructure and agricultural industry is being developed.
One of the abovementioned projects is “Eurofarm-XXI”. It is targeted at creation of novel agricultural manufacture for balanced development of rural areas in the Separated Subdivision of NUBiP of Ukraine “Agronomic Research Station”. “Eurofarm-XXI” is a complete cycle of renewable resources (on the territory of around 1500 ha) and multi-purpose object for providing provision safety of all Ukrainian regions with ecologically healthy crop and stockbreeding production. It is supposed to become a model supplier of alternative energies (biogas, biodiesel fuel, grains, briquettes etc.).
A quickly-built cowshed of cold keeping for 500 milch cows, a novel biogas plant (electric power 1.3 MW) for recycling of agricultural and cattle breeding waste products (manure water, dung etc.), power crops (corn, grass etc.) and other organic wastes ( biological and food wastes, rape bagasse, glycerin etc.), modern butchery with further meat processing (daily slaughter power -- 25 head of cattle and 50 hogs), and production line of milk processing (daily power – 20, 000 liters of milk presented in production choice: UHT milk, mozzarella, cheese, yoghurt) are planned to be built additionally by the biodiesel fuel plant.
“This agro-industrial complex is a pilot and closed production cycle”, mentioned Academician D. O. Melnychuk. The biogas plant will recycle all biogenous agricultural and cattle breeding waste products, public and food wastes. All industrial and economic premises will be constructed in accordance with modern certified building technologies of The European Union. Adopting innovative technologies The Separated Subdivision of NUBiP of Ukraine “Agronomic Research Station” and adjoining lands will be provided with the self-produced power (electric energy, hot water supply, dwelling and plant warming). All applied technologies will correspond with the requirements and instructions of the EU. Close attention is drawn to abidance by the EU sanitary standards and life safety standards.
Realization of the innovative project the Agricultural Industrial Centre “Eurofarm-XXI” provides the fulfillment of the suggested pilot project as a model for rural areas. It is aimed at improvement of farm life standards, emerging of new working positions, bringing out agricultural products to the world quality standards together with providing power independence and safety of the region based upon the ecologically safe biotechnologies and alternative energy.
But for that, the university publishes collected research and innovative papers, e.g. “Science and Innovations at the NUBiP of Ukraine”, “Scientists of the NUBiP of Ukraine to manufacture”, “Scientists of the NUBiP of Ukraine to the AIC of Kiev Region”. The works contain the detailed information about scientific achievements of the scientists of the university suggested for implementation.
Scientists of the NUBiP together with the Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine work on additions to the Law of Ukraine “About Cooperation of State and Business Structures”. It will create the legitimate foundation for effective work on realization of innovative projects in Ukraine and will contribute to tackling the problems connected with coordination of legal framework.
Abovementioned perspectives and up-to-date issues and projects are not the only developed by the staff of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
To conclude, the Head of the university, Academician, D.O. Melnychuk expressed gratitude towards the President and the Government of Ukraine, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, M.V. Prysyazhnyuk, the Minister of Education, Youth and Spots of Ukraine, D.V. Tabachnik, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, M. V. Zlochevskiy, the Management of the Kiev Regional State Administration and, personally, towards its Head, A. Y. Prysyazhnyuk. The Head of the NUBiP of Ukraine expressed the appreciation of the support of innovative projects realization provided by the Section Moderator of the International Investment Forum “Innovations. Initiative. Investments. Infrastructure” and greeted Kiev Region on its anniversary.


To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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