Young scientist of NUBiP of Ukraine Svitlana Bilous is the winner of 2018 Emerging Biotech Leaders of Ukraine Award

November 14, 2018

    Associate Professor of the Department of Botany, Dendrology and Forestry Selection, Svitlana Bilous, became the winner of the award for young biotechnology scientists from the U.S. - Ukraine Foundation (USUF).

    The competition was conducted among Ukrainian scientists from March to September 2018. Candidates were evaluated by the following criteria: industry leadership, business realization, ability to monetize research, current or future impact of research, benefit from activities or innovations for Ukrainian society.
    The award ceremony was attended by the former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States to Ukraine, Roman Popadiuk, President and Co-Founder of the U.S. - Ukraine Foundation, Nadia K. Mc Connell, Vice President of the U.S.- Ukraine Foundation, Markian Bilynskyj, and patron Irene K. Joseph. The ceremony was also attended by the representatives of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Council for Science and Technology Development, and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


    Svitlana Bilous was awarded the prize for the achievements in the study of morphological and organogenesis patterns in forest wood species in culture in vitro, research in preservation of valuable genotypes of plants using biotechnological methods and creation of technologies of microclonal propagation of tree plants. Svitlana Bilous conducted her research in close cooperation with the scientists of the Education and Research Laboratory of Plant Virology and Biotechnology of the Department of Ecobiotechnology and Biodiversity of the Faculty of Plant Protection, Biotechnology and Ecology, and the staff of the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products and the Research Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology of the separated subdivision of NUBiP of Ukraine “Boyarka Forestry Research Station”.

   The U.S. - Ukraine Foundation's Biotechnology Initiative promotes the development of biotechnology in Ukraine by involving the Foundation in educational, research and business processes in the industry and raising the level of international awareness of biotechnological opportunities in Ukraine. The U.S. - Ukraine Foundation supports Ukrainian students, scientists and entrepreneurs who want to cooperate with the American biotech community.



Roman Vasylyshyn,
Head of the Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening


To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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