Practical training of students abroad: opening new horizons

October 11, 2018


     The Conference of GrowAbroad, Global Alliance of organizations is being held in Interlaken (Switzerland). These organizations offer agricultural training for students and young farmers all over the world. The alliance organizes such a conference once a year in order to share the information and establish and develop partner links. This year more that 40 organizations from 18 countries participated in this conference. These countries are the USA, Canada, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain, Great Britain, Ukraine, Denmark, France, Poland, India, Japan, Austria, Australia.

     NUBiP of Ukraine have been taking an active part in the work of this alliance, GROWAbroad since 1999. Moreover, one of the conferences was hosted by our university in 2006. Vadym Tkachuk, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, international activity and development, represents our university. We hope to have new projects and programs which will be realized in our university.


Oleksandr Labenko,
head of ERC for international activity 

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