Congratulations to Oleksandra Parhomenko

September 7, 2018

     The 19th world championship in Amateur Radio Direction Funding is taking place on the coast of Japanese sea. This competition gathered together 300 sportsmen from 44 countries of the world.

     The championship has four events. No more than three sportsmen from each country are admitted to participate. Our university is represented by Oleksandra Parhomenko. Oleksandra is a post-graduate student of the department of social work and information technologies, Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy, Ukraine’s Merited Master of Sports in ARDF.
     Oleksandra has confirmed her title of the best sportsman of Ukraine and one of the world best sportsmen in this competition.

     September 4 was the event to compete in radio locating. Oleksandra was the fifth. it is her best result in recent world championships.

     Oleksandra expected to won at 3,5 and 144 Mhz radio frequency. And she did it. On the first two days, Oleksandra won one silver medal and one bronze one. She was the best to cover 5,7 km locating four radio transmitters climbing steep mountains, forests. it took her 1 hour 12 minutes and 13 seconds to do it.

     We congratulate our sportsman with this performance.

     Ukraine’s team at the 19th championship in ARDF, Korea, 2018 is at

We wish Oleksandra Parhomenko successful starts at oncoming events!
     You can find technical results and photos here

Viacheslav Parhomenko,
assistant professor of Physical Education Department,
this sportsman’s instructor

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