NUBiP of Ukraine has joined the Great Charter of Universities!

September 23, 2018

     September 18, 2018 leaves its mark in the history of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. This day rector Stanislav Nikolaienko signed the Great Charter of Universities in Salamanka (Spain). The Great Charter of Universities (Magna Charta Universitatum) is the outcome of what Bologna University called for in 1986.

     Scientific, educational and political European community approved this document. On the 18th of 1988, during the celebrations of the 900th anniversary of Bologna University, an alma mater of European higher education, rectors of universities signed the Great Charter. The public, governmental bodies, clergymen witnessed this process. This document outlines fundamental principles for universities so that they might provide the development of education and innovation movement in the world, which changes fast. The goal of the Charter is to identify the most significant values of university traditions and support the current ceremony of accepting new members of the Charter.

     Today, during the ceremony of signing, there were representatives from just about 50 universities from different countries of the world. Moreover, the number of signers is increasing each year. It confirms the importance of university education for economic development and a society on the whole.
     NUBiP signing this document means the loyalty to the principles of this document. First, a university is a self governing establishment with a different management within a society. First, a university is a self-governing establishment in societies of different governance, which is the result of differences in geographical location and history. A university creates, studies, estimates and transfers the culture due research and learning. Its research and teaching should be independent of any political and economic power in order to satisfy the needs of the environmental world.

      Secondly, teaching and research should inseparable so that learning could meet the changes and challenges of a society.
      Thirdly, the freedom in research and teaching is the main principle of university life. Authorities and universities, each within their competence, should guarantee that they would follow this demand. Being tolerant and open to dialogue, a university is a perfect place for teaching staff who are able to share their knowledge and possess skills and abilities to develop themselves doing research, teaching students who, in their turn have the right ability and desire to enrich their knowledge.

Oleksandr Labenko,
head of ERC for international centre


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