Visit of Gregory Gardner to NUBiP of Ukraine

November 3, 2011

    On November 02, 2011 Professor of the State University of New York Potsdam (SUNY Potsdam) Gregory Gardner visited the Department of Automation and Robotic Systems named after Academician I. Marytnenko of ERI of Energy and Automation, who was in Ukraine on an official visit. The circle of his interests is cluster analysis and its application in the creation of business incubators (like our scientific and technological parks).
History of the university started from the St. Lawrence Academy. It was founded in 1816 by land agent Raymond Benjamin. The first group consisted of 42 students and they were located in one building with the lobby and call. Today, the university is one of 64 universities in the State of New York. The mission of the university is to prepare students as global citizens who enrich the life of creativity and discovery.
   Teachers, post-graduate students, masters, bachelors of the department met by the round table. First, Acting Head of the Department V. Reshetyuk told the guests about traditions of the department, the history of its establishment, the specialists training, master’s programs which are at the Department and presented booklet about the university and catalogs of master's programs. Assistant V. Shcherbatyuk focused on areas of research of the Department. Post-graduate students D. Komarchuk and A. Dudnyk told about their researches. Masters T.Lendyel and D. Chirchenko stopped on the results of their master's theses. Professor Gregory Gardner acquainted with educational and scientific laboratories of the Department, and highly evaluated their material basis. Especially he liked the subject research laboratory "Intelligent Control Systems in agriculture", where bachelor students  Nicholay Schur, Vitaliy Kolomiets, Andriy Odynets, Sergiy Tkach, Vladimir Bagriy demonstrated automated control system of biotechnical object via the Internet.

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