Visit of Rector of NUBiP of Ukraine, Academician D.O. Melnychuk to Helsinki (Finland)

November 12, 2011

   On October 24-27, 2011 Rector of NUBiP of Ukraine D.O. Melnychuk visited company “Leipurin” by the invitation of its Executive director Matti Vaananen and University of Helsinki .

   Finnish company “Leipurin” is working in the market of raw materials, ingredients, packaging and equipment for the baking and confectionery industry, engaging in selling and learning new technologies for bread and confectionery production. “Leipurin” was founded in Finland in the beginning of last century. Over the past nine decades the company has grown into the largest supplier of raw materials and equipment not only in Finland but also in many countries. Company divisions are located in Russia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. In 2009 total revenue of the company was about 10 million and the number of staff was about 160 people. Group “Leipurin” is a part of the holding «Aspo», which was created in 1929.
    All ingredients received special certificates, including about the absence of GMO. Company’s suppliers are leading world manufacturers in the food industry.
Since 2009 is operating company’s division in Ukraine.
I    n December 2010 company “Leipurin” rented to NUBiP of Ukraine equipment for an experimental batch of bread and bakery products (ovens, mixers, and other equipment) in accordance with the lease contract and agreement on cooperation.

    During a visit to “Leipurin” was agreed to establish the scientific and production base for training students and postgraduate students of NUBiP of Ukraine, using equipment provided by this company in lease to the university.
Moreover, taking into account usefulness and nutritional value of certain kinds of bread as an important component of healthy and full value nutrition, equipment of company “Leipurin” will be used not only for training and research activities, but also for business purposes. Planning and finance department will be dealing with accounting issues of raw materials and pricing for these products, and Education and Production Nutrition Center of the university will distribute these products.
   Rector of NUBiP of Ukraine with the purpose to establish cooperation and improve the quality and food safety visited the company «Fazer Mills» (flour plant, mixing plant and industrial bakery) in the city of Lahti, which is the market leader in Finland and Russia. It has two lines of business. First - baking and confectionery and the second - the organization of corporate catering.
Also rector of the university was interested in meat-processing enterprise “Wursti” in Jarvenpaa. “Wursti” is a private company that produces the highest quality products since 1986. All its products have very high content of meat and other natural products.
These companies demonstrate a high level of technological processes of production, processing and storage to ensure its environmental safety and the highest quality. They are the clear leaders in their field that causes the search areas for future cooperation in research on development of food technologies in baking and meat-processing industries.
    During visit to the University of Helsinki delegation from NUBiP of Ukraine had meeting with Dean and staff of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, on which both universities Finnish and Ukrainian were presented, priority directions of cooperation between universities were determined.  In particular, an agreement on cooperation between universities in the exchange of scientific information, training materials, publications etc., exchange of students, post-graduate students, scientists and teachers, development of postgraduate education, and development of joint research projects and programs in areas of mutual interest.  In addition, the parties agreed to develop detailed action plan for each direction by separate individual agreements.
     The next step will be the visit of leaders of the University of Helsinki to NUBiP of Ukraine and signing agreement on cooperation between our universities. We hope in the near future, our university will receive a new and world-famous partner.

University of Helsinki is one of the best multidisciplinary research universities in the world; also it is one of the largest universities in Finland. University was founded in Turku in 1640 as the Royal Academy of Turku. In 1827 by the decision of Emperor Nicholas I University was transferred from Turku to Helsingfors.
Since August 1, 2005 according to European standards of the Bologna Process University offers training of bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees.
This university consists of 11 faculties headed by deans. Departments and independent institutes are the parts of each faculty.
The magazine Times Higher Education published the rating of the best world universities in 2011-2012 academic years, where University of Helsinki took the 91st position.


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