Students from the Netherlands come to study to NUBiP of Ukraine, while Ukrainian students go to study to Wageningen University

July 2, 2018

     The ninth academic theoretical and practical course «Radioactivity and nuclear energy» was organised by NUBiP of Ukraine and Wageningen University (the Netherlands).

     52 students participate in this course this year, including 30 students from Institute of Life Sciences of Wageningen University and 22 students from Faculty of Plant Protection, Biotechnology and Ecology, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, Faculty of Agricultural Management, and Mechanical and Technological Faculty.
     Liudmyla Vagaliuk, an associate professor of the department of ecology of agro sphere and ecological control, and Volodymyr Illienko, an assistant of the department of radio biology and radio ecology.

     The course will last for two weeks. The first week the course will take place in Wageningen University. The second will take place in National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Leading scientists in the sphere of radiobiology and radio ecology will give lectures to participants, namely, Academician Ihor Hudkov, Professor Valerii Kashparov, Associate Professor Mykola Lazariev and others.

     It has been a tradition to hold a football match of friendship between Ukrainian and Dutch participants. They will also visit a exclusion zone. For the time being participants are obtaining new knowledge in radiation safety and nuclear energy. Leading scientists from Wageningen University and scholars from the Netherlands are giving their lectures.

Yuliia Rybalko

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