Rector of NUBiP of Ukraine Academician of National Academy of Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Agricultural Sciences D.O. Melnychuk visited Iowa State University (USA)

October 18, 2011

On October 4 – 9, 2011 Rector of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine D.O. Melnychuk visited Iowa State University (USA).
    Iowa State University is among the autonomous research universities (such universities are only five percent). It was founded in 1948, the number of students exceeds 30 thousand, and studying costs 25-35 thousand dollars per year.
University is main in issues of agricultural and food sciences, life sciences and environment, achieved great success in biological and organic chemistry (in 2011 was received the Nobel Prize), quality and safety of food, renewable energy, ecology, GIS technology, genetic engineering, medicine, physics, technical support agriculture and so on.
    With NUBiP of Ukraine Iowa State University is working since 1991. In 1998 together with NUBiP of Ukraine and Humboldt University of Berlin, Iowa State University became the founder of the Global Consortium of Institutions of Higher Education and Research, which includes more than 100 universities around the world. In 2003 rector of NUBiP of Ukraine, Academician D.O. Melnychuk was elected as an Honorary President of the Consortium (for term of life).

    The main achievement of the visit was signing the memorandum of understanding for the period 2011-2016 years by both parties, which prolongs the validity of memoranda between Iowa State University and NUBiP of Ukraine on mutual recognition of education systems, which were signed in 1996 and 1998 years. This document defines the general and specific terms and conditions, as well as priorities for cooperation between universities in 2011-2016 years.
In particular, was planned cooperation on post-graduate programs, the development of attractive projects in the issues of renewable energy sources, using of modern techniques, technologies and technical services in agriculture and environmental activities, GIS technology, food industry, storage and transport of biological resources, research and testing of transgenic organisms, investigation of plants and animals diseases, the development of biotechnology, problems of agribusiness, biodiversity and "green architecture" etc.
 On the American side a memorandum was signed by President of the University Dr. Gregory L. Geoffroy and Executive Vice President and Provost of the University Dr. Elizabeth Hoffman, on the Ukrainian side was signed by Rector of NUBiP of Ukraine Academician D.O. Melnychuk.
Also, during the visit it was agreed to consolidate the new universities advanced education programs in developing programs for double diploma programs and 2+2 programs with the participation of students from Ukraine, the United States and third countries.
Besides this, to main results of the trip to the United States should be added meetings with representatives of companies «JohnDeere» and «Pioneer», who showed interest in establishing cooperation with National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
LLC "Pioneer Seeds of Ukraine" is a division of "Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.", which is a part of "DuPont" company and a world leader in the development of modern plant genetics and providing farmers with high quality seeds and technologies.
The company "Pioneer", head office is in De Moines, Iowa, USA, develops, manufactures and sells a wide range of high quality seeds and microbiologic products, serving clients in almost 100 countries.
In Ukraine Company "Pioneer" sells hybrid corn, sunflower and oil rape seed, and also silage inoculums.
The company «John Deere» since its foundation in 1837 underwent many changes in commercial activities, products, goods and services.
«John Deere» activities are diverse and interrelated. Two kinds of activities: construction and agricultural equipment are at the highest level and hold global leadership.
Two additional activities such as equipment for forestry and peat work support and increase the global commitment to development. Additional support activities, such as financial services, energy systems, spare parts and the group for developing intelligent solutions strengthen and differentiate their main business

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