VII Global GCHERA conference “Universities of agriculture and life sciences : entrepreneurs for sustainable rural development”

August 4, 2011

According to the invitation of President of GCHERA Philippe Choquet, Rector of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine D.O. Melnychuk took part in the 7th GCHERA conference, which was held since June 25 till July 01, 2011 at the Institute Polytechnic LaSalle Beauvais, France.
About 250 delegates from about 80 high educational establishments from more then 50 countries took part in the conference.
Rector of NUBiP of Ukraine reported about “National University of Life and Environmental Sciences  of Ukraine – on the way from the typical Agricultural University to the University of Life and Environmental Sciences” as a one of the main speakers of the Plenary meeting of the conference.

  During the conference almost every day meetings of the Executive Committee of Consortium were held to settle the current matters, and also to find ways of improvement of effectiveness of its activity in future.
For this purpose the Consortium administration structure was changed and the Executive Committee was renewed, the name was changed to General Assembly.  The last one is based on the fact that all regional associations of universities of agricultural and life sciences (North and South America, European Union, Africa, Middle East, Indo-Chinese region, the Pacific region, CIS, Australia and Oceania) decided to become under GCHERA leadership. Presidents of mentioned regional associations of universities of agricultural and life sciences are a members of General Assembly, and also Academician D.O. Melnychuk, Honorary President and Founder of GCHERA is a member of General Assembly and has right to vote (for term of life).  
Philippe Choquet was elected as a Head of General Assembly (for two years). The Head of General Assembly works extensively with FAO and FAO will finance part of his expenses. President of GCHERA cooperates with the Head of General Assembly and works on preparation to the 8th Global Conference of GCHERA, which will be held in Moscow in 2013.
Part of changes on Executive Committee activity will be completed in the normal activity during next half-year with further approval by the Executive Committee of the General Assembly of GCHERA.

Issues that were discussed during plenary and sessional meetings.

Report of rector of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Dmytro Melnychuk:
"National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine – on the way from the typical Agricultural University to the University of Life and Environmental Sciences"


Presentation to report of rector of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Dmytro Melnychuk:
"National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine – on the way from the typical Agricultural University to the University of Life and Environmental Sciences"


Prehistory of GCHERA 

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