The cooperation with German-Ukraine agrarian demonstration and training centre continues

April 2, 2018

     At the end of March German-Ukraine demonstration and training centre hosted a training seminar «Feeding and feed preparation being the condition of animals’ high productivity and health while growing milk cattle». Specialists from the largest national agro and industrial enterprises were invited to participate in it as well as teaching staff of Faculty of Animal Sciences and Water Bioresources of our university.

     Tino Hohmut was a moderator of this seminar. He has been working as an independent agricultural consultant in the sphere of German livestock raising more than 10 years. He brought into the discussion such interesting for the production issues as animals’ economy and health, main demands of healthy feeding, metabolic disorders, aspects of organising the work at a milk production enterprise.

     Once in the history of conducting such seminars, a Ukrainian lecturer, head of the department of the department of genetics, breeding and reproductive biotechnology Oleksandr Valchuk was invited to make a speech. He presented a program «An information system of monitoring the welfare in the cattle breeding». It is pleasant to say that both German colleagues and guests of the seminar highly appreciated the presented development and offered Oleksandr to cooperate.

Oleh Bachynskyi,
vice-head of the department for academic affairs
and practical training of students
translated by Olena Soloviova


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