IV International Specialized Exhibition “High-Tech 2011”

September 28, 2011

   On September 27-30, 2011 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine takes part in IV International Specialized Exhibition “High-Tech 2011”, which is held on a basis of exhibition complex “KyivExpoPlaza” (Kyiv, 26 Salyutna str.). National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and LLC “Laboratory of marketing technologies” are the exhibition’s organizers.
    On September 27 the opening ceremony was held, in the framework of which the specialized exposition “Hi-Tech science and education” was presented and International forum “Complex support of laboratories” was held. Prime Minister of Ukraine M.Y. Azarov, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine E.B. Paton and Director of the State Agency for Science, Innovation and Informatization of Ukraine V.P. Semynozhenko attended the exhibition.
   The latest achievements of the Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of agricultural products of NUBiP of Ukraine, including testing of food and food raw materials to verify the presence of GMOs, to determine the presence of DNA of soybean and corn, the qualitative detection and identification of GM lines are featured in an exhibition. In addition, the innovations of research institutes of NUBiP of Ukraine are presented, including a device for testing switching devices with voltage up to 1000V for durability, versatile stand of rural electricity and other.

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