Scholars of Faculty of Animal Sciences and Water Bioresources are Obtaining Work Experience Abroad

February 2, 2018

      Scholars of Animal Department and Feed Technology Department named after P. D. Pshenychnyi trained at two leading life sciences universities in Poland, such as Wrocław University Of Environmental And Life Sciences and Warsaw University Of Life Sciences (SGGW). The group consisted of Dmytro Umanets, Myhailo Holubiev, Yurii Pozniakovskyi, Kostiantyn Mahno and was headed by Myhailo Sychov.

     Our academics took a course «Animal Nutrition and Feed Technologies». The topic of seminars was laboratory fundamentals of animal nutrition and feed technologies. Moreover, professors were interested in peculiarities of research and training of Animal Sciences undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. Additionally, both parties discussed possibilities of joint projects, participation in scholarships and grants, articles in journals which are included in Scopus and Web of Science. Polish colleagues also claim that one of the criteria of scientific activity is the necessity of publishing research outcomes in such journals.

     Dr. Barbara Król, vice-rector of Faculty of Biology and Animal Sciences detailed courses available for students and gave a clear information about the studies which students and young researchers do at the faculty. Our delegation got much interested in modern ways of modeling biochemical processes during feed silaging. Vice-rector presented facilities and equipment of the faculty and the department of animal nutrition and feed production. This department has four laboratories of zooanalysis, animal mineral, fat and amino acid feeding which are fully equipped due to modern requirements.

     Professor Wanda Olech-Piasecka, dean of Animal Sciences Faculty of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, gave an interesting presentation of her institution to our scholars.

     Professor Myhailo Sychov presented Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology Department named after P. D. Pshenychnyi, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Water Bioresources and NUBiP of Ukraine. He spoke about urgent issues of organizing academic process of training students-technologists of the production and processing of animal products, and perspectives and foci of research at the department.

     Both Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology Department named after P. D. Pshenychnyi and Animal Nutrition and Biotechnologies Department of Warsaw University of Life Sciences do research in nano and biotechnologies, zooanalysis, and blood biochemistry.

     The course of training was very informative and enabled our university scholars to obtain new theoretical knowledge and cultivate practical skills. Our academics got certificates of internship which are signed by deans of two Polish universities.

Dmytro Umanets,
associate professor of Animal Nutrition and
Feed Technology Department named after P.D. Pshenychnyi
translated by Olena Soloviova

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