Uniwersytet Rzeszowski: dean Larysa Bal-Prylypko’s experience

January 13, 2018

     Dean of Faculty of Food Technologies and Quality Control of Agricultural Products obtained work experience at Faculty of Medicine at University of Rzeszów (Poland). In 1992 University of Rzeszów opened Institute of Physical Education. In 2005 Faculty became an independent subdivision of University of Rzeszów and was renamed into Faculty of Health Sciences. In 2006, University Senate approved the name Faculty of Medicine.

     Dean of Faculty of Medicine showed L. Bal-Prylypko laboratories and classrooms, offered joint projects for research and foci for further cooperation.
     L. Bal-Prylypko highly appreciated the quality of visual aids, though she underlined that visual aids at our Faculty are of higher quality.



     It is necessary to visit universities abroad in order to compare the differences between institutions. But what are these differences? No differences. NUBiP of Ukraine’s huge, bright computerized classrooms can serve models for universities in other countries.
     Equipment in laboratories where scientific research is carried out is modernized and up-to-date. It has mostly been bought with grant money.



     L. Bal-Prylypko highlighted on tuition fee. A potential student has to pay 3, 000 € to study at Faculty of Food Technologies of University of Rzeszów. It is something about 99, 000 hrn per year.




     It was interesting to compare academic pyramids of healthy food and physical training. They are similar in both countries though we speak different languages.



     On returning home, Larysa Vatslavivna is eager to realize many joint projects together with University of Rzeszów.

Vladyslav Suhenko,
Head of Department of Standardisation and
Certification of Agricultural Products,
translated by Olena Soloviova

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