Landscape Designers of NUBIP of Ukraine won the contest in the frames of international project “the Gardens of Nations” in Poland

June 21, 2011

      The Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences the 24th of May,2010 launched the  international project “the Gardens of Nations” in Targoszyn,70 km from Wroclaw, on a plot of 18 ha. The objective of the garden design is to make people familiar with the nature and cultures of the countries which our university maintains cooperation with. An additional value and attraction to the garden will be a cycle of events, including performances of folk ensembles from the countries of our partner universities and other enjoyable events presenting traditions of the respective countries. So,18 Universities from 13 countries have joined the project. Such senior lecturers as A.I.Kushnir , O.V.Kolesnichenko and students U.Evtushenko , D.Kropivko and A.Bilecka were working at  project suggestion about landscape projection of the future garden of the NUBIP of Ukraine.

    Since 31st of May for the  9th of June the Final stage of the contest took place in Wroclaw. Only four teams from Poland, Russia, Ukraine and China got into the final. 

   At the pleasure of the jury of the contest every team has represented its own project of the garden. Ukrainian team has deservedly received the victory.
In the frames of the contest “the Gardens of Nations” the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences has created Summer School for students.

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