Dieter Kirschke : «limits and prospects of agrarian policy and trade»

December 7, 2017

     Dieter Kirschke, a German expert in agrarian policy and trade, a professor of Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany) conducted a lecture «Limits and Prospects of Agrarian Policy and Trade» for faculty staff and students of Faculty of Economics of NUBiP of Ukraine. The meeting was organized and under auspices of Germany-Ukraine Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD).

     D. Kirschke is an ex-principal of Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences in Humboldt University. He is an agrarian economist and is an expertise in the analysis of agro policy and agro trade. D. Kirschke is the author of numerous publications about the analysis of agrarian policy and its effects on agro sector, the development of rural areas and the analysis of the productivity of agro manufacturing, the development of bio fuel domain, etc. He was a member of experts group in agrarian policy of Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany.


     Many students attended this lecture. There were Bachelor students of Economics of Enterprises in their fourth year, Bachelor students of Tourism, Master students of Economy. Every participant was given handouts which made the dialogue between the lecturer and the audience more effective. D. Kirschke had organized his presentation in the form of a discussion to enable students to active enough to discuss crucial issues of agrarian economy. One of the points which students were interested in was the policy of protectionism. D. Kirschke pointed out that 1) the world is moving to liberalization; 2) liberalization and world tendency is interesting for Ukraine as Ukraine is an exporter of agricultural output and 3) some countries debate to protect their own producers. The lecturer named two countries, such as Japan and Norway, as these countries have a high level of protectionism. D. Kirschke also spoke about the efficiency and effects of trade, detailed producer and consumer surplus.

Oksana Makarchuk,
vice dean for international issues
Translated Olena Soloviova

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