Days of French agrarian education in Ukraine: NUBiP of Ukraine is expanding ties with France

September 7, 2017

According to the program of Days of French agrarian education and science in Ukraine NUBiP of Ukraine organized a round table discussion “Cooperation of Ukraine and France”. Faculty staff of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy and the Faculty of Agrarian Management participated in it. Dean Vasyl Shynkaruk emphasized the importance of expanding cooperation between higher schools of two countries.

      Tetiana Ishchenko, director of SE SMC «Agroosvita», Anatolii Ostapchuk, dean of the Department of Agrarian Management and Nicolas Perrin, agricultural advisor of Embassy of France in Ukraine greeted the participants of the meeting. They spoke about a good opportunity of sharing new ideas and making new friends.

      Oksana Zazymko, head of the department for academic affairs presented new achievements of our university. Our university is among top universities of many rankings. French colleagues got interested in NUBiP of Ukraine activities and learnt about academic process and researches.

      Benoit Lesafr spoke about agrarian education in the system of the higher education and its modernization. Benoit Lesafr is a principal auditor of Ministry of agriculture of France, president of AgroSupDijon (Higher agricultural school in Dijon, France).

      Participants were interested in issues how to organize practice for future specialists, motivation, academic loading, tutorship, mobility, national and international criteria.
          Participants of this round table agreed to organize international conference “Ukraine-France: friendship without borders” in November.


Svitlana Amelian,
Alla Kravchenko 
Regional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)Press-centre

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