Third day of international scientific and methodical seminar at the Humanities and Pedagogy Faculty with Iowa university representatives

September 6, 2017

 The third day of the international scientific and methodical seminar at the Humanities and Pedagogy Faculty with Iowa(USA) univerity representatives Jody Cornell and Caroll Keenely, which was dedicated to the questions of eating culture, and comparison of traditions in Ukraine and USA.



At the beginning of the lecture Jodie appealed to audience with the question, if they for once in life grew potatoes. Almost everyone said yes. But in America only a few percent of students has such an opportunity. Also he told about different types of markets and supermarkets, eating culture and features of products, gave an example of the daily routine



Seminar attendees were able to found out a lot of interesting about modern Americans daily routine, their tastes and preferences in food. It was unexpectable to find out that Jody Cornell so knowledgeable in ukrainian national cusine and that he likes to visit ukrainian restrauants, such as "Staryi Lviv", which is located in Chicago and
taste ukrainian dishes, which are, as he think, doesn't need to be translated, such as varenyky and borsch


In town called Ames and in the capital of state Des Moines we can find places with Thai, chinese, italian, mexican, french and even ukrainian cusine. The most beloved Jody's dish - pizza and Ukrainian potato pancakes with sour cream. So it proves once again that Ukrainian cusine is famous all over the world. Caroll Keenely said about how her family is keeping a balanced diet for many years, giving preference to fruit, vegetables, dairy products, fish and dishes etc.
Our students and teachers are actively joined the conversation and discussion. And answering the questions of students, which they were leaved yesterday to our guests, Jody Cornell noted that United States is not only multitantional, but also extremely patriotic country, which americans always characterise as "melting pot of peoples", country which is extremely tolerant to representatives of different nationalities, and with a feeling of deep respect to the history and culture of their country.
Kozub L.S.,
Assistant professor of the chair of Romance and-German languages and translation
Yaremenko N.V.,
Assistant professor of the chair of English language for technical and agrobiolocical specialties
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