Report on the professional orientation work of the department of Romanic and Germanic languages and translation for September 2017-2018 academic year

October 4, 2017

 We understand that today our young people face an extremely difficult task: to choose the educational institution that will provide high-quality and accessible professional education, aimed at revealing the scientific potential of everyone, will offer meaningful extra-curricular activities, will allow to develop professional skills and creative abilities. These and other issues were at the center of discussions and discussions of the department's academics and students with schoolchildren.

Mentors and academics of the Department constantly carry out vocational guidance work among the students in order to attract entrants to study at the humanities and pedagogical faculty, present printed and video materials about NULES of Ukraine. 
In September, the departments academics and students attended: secondary general educational institutions of the Bila Tserkva district of the Kyiv region (assistant Mishak O.), st. Boyarka (student Phil 14-02 Lavryk TS), Mironovsky district of the Kiev region (student PhilA-17002b Vernaya V.V.).
Students got acquainted with the printed and video materials about NULES of Ukraine, they were provided with detailed information on the conditions of admission to NULES of Ukraine and directions of preparation, including details on Philology and Social pedagogy. It was interesting for boys and girls and the provision of places in dormitories for students from other areas, the possibility of studying for exchange at foreign universities, further employment. Lively interest was caused by student self-government and its role in the life of the university.
The scientific pedagogical staff of the department will continue the vocational guidance work during the 2017-2018 school year in accordance with the plan of the humanities and pedagogical faculty and involve students of academic groups, which includes: to organize a fall school for entrants «Young philologist» on the basis of the department and humanitarian pedagogical faculty, to take part in general university activities for vocational guidance (Open Doors Day, University Day, Faculty). 
We hope that conducting vocational guidance will help our young people to choose the future profession correctly and enter the school that will be able to give a sure start to the future.
O. V. Malykhin, 
Head of the Chair of
Romance and Germanic languages and
Regional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)Press-centre

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