The agreement between Faculty of Animal Sciences and Water Bioresources of NUBiP of Ukraine and University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland)

December 5, 2017

      Our Faculty is expanding our links with foreign educational establishments. We cooperate and share our experiences with colleagues from U.S., European and Asian agricultural enterprises and universities. Ruslan Kononenko, vice-dean of the Faculty and Nataliia Rudyk-Leuska, an associate professor of Department of hydrobiology and ichthyology visited University of Life Sciences in Lublin to learn about the structure of the university, facilities, academic and research process.


     We had a meeting with vice-dean of Faculty of Biology, Animal Sciences and Bio economy. Both parties discussed possible foci for joint research projects.



     Our delegation attended the working meeting of Department of Hydrobiology and Protection of Ecosystems where we presented our university and our faculty. The head of this department told us about the structure of the department, academic and research process and facilities. The visit resulted in the agreement on cooperation between two faculties.

Serhii Hryshchenko,
vice dean of Faculty of Animal Sciences and Water Bioresources

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