Exchanging experience in establishing cooperation with the Warsaw University of Ecology and Management

September 21, 2017

From November 14 till November 19, 2016, We - Associate Professor Oksana Zazymko - Head of the Department of Education and Professor of the Department of Management Tetyana Balanovska were staying at the University of Ecology and Management (Warsaw, Poland) under the ERASMUS + academic mobility program for administrative staff and teaching staff.

The mobility program was full (included) and included meetings with President of the Warsaw University of Environment and Management Jan Mishak, rector Monika Madia and Vice-rector for educational work Justina Klis, as well as the coordinator of the ERASMUS + program at the University of Liya Sayedyan. The management of the university familiarized the participants with the structure and history of the institution of higher education.

Participants of the mobility program of ERASMUS + from Ukraine Oksana Zazymko and Tetyana Balanovska presented the NUBiP of Ukraine and the system of higher education in Ukraine, acquainted the President of the Warsaw University of Ecology and Management, the rector and those present with the structure of the university and the peculiarities of graduate training, discussed possible ways of cooperation between our universities.

According to the mobility program, the following was foreseen by the Ukrainian side with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Management, Professor Jan Senter and Deputy Dean Katarjina Adamik, who attended the Faculty, studied the curricula and outlined the next steps for co-operation in preparation of masters in the program of double diplomas, participation of students in summer schools, lecturers in joint scientific conferences and writing scientific publications.
During his stay at the Warsaw University of Environment and Management, a meeting was also held with the dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Mechanical Engineering Magdalena Lyshchinskaya-Domanskaya and his deputy Bohdan Gorchak. While on the faculty, Oksana Zazymko and Tatiana Balanovska visited lecture rooms and specialized laboratories of the faculty, visited the classes of students of the faculty of fine arts, visited the library. After that they had a fruitful meeting with the dean and his deputy on further cooperation issues.

The mobility program ERASMUS + was implemented by the staff of our university in full, and according to the results of internship at the Warsaw University of Environment and Management, the head of the educational department Oksana Zazymko and the professor of the Department of Management Tetyana Balanovska got certificates. Our employees returned to the university with a positive impression of communicating with the highly professional team of the Warsaw University of Ecology and Management and a fully implemented mobility program.

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